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Showing posts with label Kamala Harris President. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kamala Harris President. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Dr. Kevin Alcena Believes that Kamala Harris is Divinely Ordained to become The Next President of the United States of America

Kamala Harris: Fulfillment of a Divine Prophecy as the Next President of the USA

Kamala Harris President

Drawing from the scriptures, Kamala Harris can be likened to Deborah, a wise and courageous leader in The Holy Bible

By Dr. Kevin J. Turnquest-Alcena
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Deo adjuvante, non timendum
"With God as my helper, I have nothing to fear."

Kevin Alcena
Dr. Kevin Alcena believes that Kamala Harris is divinely ordained to become the next President of the United States, ushering in an era of unity, equality, and global progress.  Her rise is seen not only as a political milestone but as a prophetic fulfillment, akin to the leadership of women in the Bible who were chosen by God to break down barriers and guide their people to new heights.  Harris’ leadership, like these biblical women, will transcend race, class, caste, and tribalism, fostering a vision of one human family united in purpose.

Kamala Harris and Biblical Women Leaders: A Prophetic Parallel

In drawing from the scriptures, Kamala Harris can be likened to Deborah, a wise and courageous leader in the Bible.  In Judges 4–5, Deborah stood as a prophetess and judge over Israel during a time of crisis.  She not only led Israel into battle but also provided wisdom and justice to the nation.  Much like Deborah, Harris has the potential to lead the United States—and by extension, the world—through turbulent times, breaking down the divisions that plague society and guiding people toward unity and peace.

Deborah’s leadership was divinely inspired, and she was known for her strength, vision, and determination to act justly.  Similarly, Dr. Alcena views Kamala Harris’ future leadership as divinely ordained, a modern-day fulfillment of biblical prophecy that will empower the marginalized, bridge the divides between cultures, and bring healing to the global community.

India’s Journey: Breaking Chains of Colonialism and Caste

India’s rise from colonial oppression mirrors the story of deliverance seen in many biblical narratives, where God’s people were liberated from oppression and given the opportunity to create a new future.  Like the Israelites under Deborah, India faced internal and external divisions that threatened its unity and progress.  The colonial era left India economically depleted, and the caste system entrenched deep social divisions.

Yet, through resilience and strategic investment in health, education, and technology, India has emerged as a global leader.  India’s journey serves as a blueprint for how nations can overcome oppressive systems.  Kamala Harris, like Deborah, has the potential to lead in a way that inspires people to rise above their divisions, whether they are racial, economic, or social.

Indigenous Peoples and Global Unity

Kamala Harris’ leadership is particularly relevant to the struggles of indigenous peoples around the world.  Throughout the Bible, God calls for justice for the oppressed and marginalized.  Proverbs 31:8-9 commands, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.  Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”  Harris’ potential presidency would give voice to those who have long been silenced, including indigenous populations in the United States and beyond.

Just as Deborah was called to lead in a time of great need, Harris’s rise could signify a moment of global reconciliation, where indigenous groups and other marginalized communities are finally given the justice and recognition they deserve.  Her leadership will not only be about political power but about healing historical wounds and fostering true unity, as prophesied by Dr. Alcena.

Breaking Down Class, Caste, and Tribal Divides

The Bible consistently speaks of God’s desire to break down barriers between people.  Galatians 3:28 affirms this by saying, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”  Harris’ leadership, much like the biblical vision of unity, will dismantle the systems of division that have kept people apart.

India’s progress in overcoming the caste system is a powerful example of how a society can reform itself to prioritize equality.  Harris, with her own background rooted in both Jamaican and Indian cultures, can serve as a global leader who continues this legacy of breaking down class and tribal distinctions.  Her presidency could be the catalyst that brings about a more inclusive world, one where people are valued for their character and contributions, not for their background or social standing.

Empowering Women Globally

One of the most significant aspects of Kamala Harris’ potential presidency is the empowerment of women, much like the role of Deborah in ancient Israel.  Deborah’s leadership inspired both men and women to rise up and reclaim their destiny.  Kamala Harris, as a woman leader, will similarly inspire women around the globe to take leadership roles, break societal barriers, and participate fully in shaping the future.

In the same way that the Bible highlights women like Esther, who was called “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14), Harris’ presidency will mark a divine moment in history.  It will be a time when women’s leadership is no longer questioned but celebrated, and their contributions are seen as vital to the progress of humanity.

Bridging Continents and Cultures

Kamala Harris’ unique background—born to a Jamaican father and an Indian mother—connects her to three continents: Asia, Africa, and the Americas.  This gives her the extraordinary ability to serve as a bridge between these regions, fostering cooperation and unity in a way that few other leaders could.  Just as Deborah brought together different tribes of Israel to fight for a common cause, Harris’ leadership will bring together nations and peoples with a shared vision for peace and progress.

Her presidency could signify the beginning of a new era where nations collaborate not just for their own interests but for the greater good of humanity.  The divine prophecy surrounding Harris, as Dr. Alcena envisions, is that she will lead the world into this new phase of global unity, breaking down the racial and cultural divisions that have long held back progress.

A Divine Path to Peace

In the midst of global conflicts, such as those in the Middle East, Harris’ presidency could bring a prophetic call for peace. Isaiah 2:4 speaks of a time when nations “will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.  Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”  Dr. Alcena believes that Harris’ leadership will guide the world toward a diplomatic and peaceful resolution to these conflicts, much like the biblical vision of a world without war.

Her presidency will emphasize dialogue and cooperation, creating opportunities for healing and lasting peace.  Just as Deborah brought peace to Israel after years of oppression, Harris has the potential to bring stability to regions that have been torn apart by conflict, fulfilling the divine prophecy of a world united under peace.

Conclusion: A Divine Prophecy for Global Unity

Kamala Harris’ rise to the presidency, as prophesied by Dr. Kevin Alcena, represents more than a political victory.  It is a divine moment in history, where the barriers of race, class, caste, and tribalism will be broken down, and humanity will come together as one.  Harris, like Deborah and Esther before her, is destined to lead in a time of great need, empowering women, healing the oppressed, and fostering global unity.

Her leadership will draw on the lessons of India’s rise from colonialism, emphasizing the importance of resilience, equality, and cooperation.  Indigenous peoples and marginalized communities around the world will find in her a leader who stands for justice and inclusion.  As she bridges continents and cultures, Harris will guide humanity into a new era of peace and progress—fulfilling the divine prophecy of unity, empowerment, and lasting global harmony.
