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Showing posts with label Bahamian lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bahamian lifestyle. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

We Honor The Cuban Fishermen, whose Journeys to Ragged Island and Beyond are Foundational Tales of Caribbean Solidarity

Reflection on The Intertwined Destinies of The Bahamas and Cuba 

The Shared History of Cuba and The Bahamas

Cuba and Ragged Island: A Fascinating History, Saluting Fishermen and Fruitful Exchanges

By Dr. Kevin Turnquest-Alcena
Nassau, The Bahamas


Cuba Bahamas Relations
Our journey through the storied connections between The Bahamas and Cuba reveals a saga of endurance, exploration, and exchange, woven by the diligent Cuban fishermen. Their voyages transcended mere trade, fostering lasting friendships and cultural bonds that resonate to this day. We dive into this rich narrative, celebrating the shared history and unbreakable ties between these vibrant islands.

The Natural Connection: Limestone and Rich Soil

The Bahamas and Cuba are siblings of the sea, their lands cradled by limestone and nurtured by fertile soils. This geological kinship hints at a shared past and has sculpted both the landscape and the life it supports. Cuba's lush terrain complements The Bahamas' stunning shores, creating a diverse tapestry of ecosystems that enrich both regions. These natural blessings foster a unique blend of environments, where life thrives in harmony.

The Story of Camagüey and The Bahamas

In the heart of Cuba, Camagüey stands as a beacon of agricultural bounty, pivotal in the exchange of goods and culture with The Bahamas. This history of mutual benefit and shared growth showcases the power of community and cooperation across waters. Through the sharing of harvests and traditions, Camagüey and The Bahamas have woven a narrative of interdependence and resilience, celebrating the richness of combined cultures.

The Fishermen's Legacy

We honor the Cuban fishermen, whose journeys to Ragged Island and beyond are foundational tales of Caribbean solidarity. More than traders, these men were bridge-builders, connecting communities with every voyage. Their legacy, steeped in the spirit of unity and shared prosperity, has significantly shaped the Caribbean identity, reminding us of the enduring strength found in connection and shared purpose.

More Than Just Trading

The barter system initiated by these seafarers did more than exchange goods; it wove a fabric of interconnected lives, blending cultures, ideas, and families. This vibrant mosaic of exchanges has deeply influenced the Bahamian lifestyle, introducing a wealth of fruits and vegetables that enrich daily life. Celebrating this cultural fusion, we acknowledge the profound connections that have grown from these shared experiences.

A Link Through Time: The Cuban Crocodiles of Abaco

In the discovery of Cuban crocodile fossils in Abaco, we find a tangible link to a shared ancient past. This remarkable find not only highlights the biological ties between Cuba and The Bahamas, but also suggests deep, historical connections that predate modern exchanges. The presence of these ancient creatures in Bahamian soil speaks to a time when land and life flowed freely between these islands, adding a fascinating prelude to the story of Cuban and Bahamian unity.

Broadening the Horizon: From Mexico to Cuba and The Bahamas

The narrative broadens to include the pathways from Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula through Cuba to The Bahamas, tracing the routes of early exchanges. This expansive view enriches our understanding of the Caribbean's complex history, where land and sea routes facilitated not only the movement of goods - but also the spread of cultures and communities across this vibrant region.


Reflecting on the intertwined destinies of the Bahamas and Cuba, we celebrate the legacy of exchange and camaraderie that defines their relationship. Through tales of Camagüey, the valorous fishermen, and the ancient crocodiles of Abaco, we honor the spirit of cooperation that has forged indelible bonds across the Caribbean. This shared history, rich with lessons of unity and friendship, stands as a testament to the enduring power of collective heritage and mutual respect.

This article offers a gateway to the deep and vibrant history connecting Cuba and Ragged Island, paying homage to the fishermen and the complex web of exchanges that have brought our communities together, underscored by the ancient, ecological ties that bind.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Childhood obesity in The Bahamas

Obesity crisis for Bahamian children
Tribune Staff Reporter
Nassau, Bahamas

CHILDHOOD obesity is a serious concern in the Bahamas, with more than half the country's children being overweight, according to a local pediatrician.

Although there are no exact statistics available, Dr Jerome Lightbourn said he believes a significant portion of the next generation will not be able to live normal adult lives because of their weight.

Worse still, he said, many already show early signs of developing serious and possibly fatal obesity-related diseases.

The numbers that are available seem less alarming, but Dr Lightbourn is convinced they do not create an accurate picture.

Primary health care monthly reports, and the School Health Services annual report for 2004-2005, revealed that of 3,066 Bahamian 10-year-olds screened, 576 were considered overweight - a number which is still almost double the world average of 10 per cent.

For Dr Lightbourn, obesity as an "imported disease" and we only have to look to what is happening in other places to understand the extent of the danger.

He said: "We have had an influx of the western world, of mass produced foods with steroids, pesticides, hormones and the very popular fast foods."

The source of much of this food is the United States, and according to American Centre for Disease Control, childhood obesity in the US has more than tripled in the past 30 years. The prevalence of obesity among children aged six to 11 increased from 6.5 per cent in 1980 to 19.6 per cent in 2008.

Dr Lightbourn said: "We have grown up on good-tasting foods, for Bahamians that means fried chicken, macaroni and peas and rice, all high fat and high salt."

He said anyone consuming foods with a high salt and carbohydrate content runs the risk of developing diseases such as hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes.

"It is a cultural and generational problem. We need to address it from a public health perspective just as we address AIDS, cancer and cigarette smoking, obesity is probably killing more people than any of them," said Dr Lightbourn.

Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition which affects children and adolescents. It occurs when a child is well above the normal weight for his or her age and height.

This is called a body mass index (BMI).

When a person's BMI is 25 or greater, they are considered morbidly obese, said Dr Lightbourn.

Childhood obesity is particularly troubling because the extra pounds often start children on the path to health problems which were once confined to adults.

"The issue in the Bahamas, and around the world, is that adult onset life style diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and even cholesterol are now being associated with childhood," said Dr. Lightbourn.

"We are seeing these diseases in younger and younger people. Heart disease in no longer a 70-year-old issue, it is a 30-year-old disease."

Dr Lightbourn, an advisor at the Princess Margaret Hospital, revealed there are at least four children under the age of 12 in the children's ward who are not only obese but diabetic - a condition which can lead to kidney failure, heart disease, or blindness among other illnesses.

He said: "There needs to be a year-long campaign, not just during Heart Month, and should be a united approach by educators, parents and the government."

Dr Lightbourn recommends that children exercise for one hour every day, and that sodas and unhealthy foods be eliminated from cafeterias.

He also stressed the importance of parents and teachers leading by example and making important lifestyle changes themselves.

February 12, 2011
