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Showing posts with label Petrocaribe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petrocaribe. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2013

PETROCARIBE consolidated as regional force

• Group rejects Cuba’s inclusion on list of nations sponsoring terrorism

MANAGUA.— Petrocaribe was founded eight years ago as an Energy Cooperation Accord, in an effort to respond to world economic conditions and prevailing policies implemented by industrialized countries which marginalized Third World nations. The enterprise has been consolidated as an economic mechanism with significant impact in the region. This was clearly demonstrated during the recently concluded 8th Summit of the undertaking, based on the ideas of Comandantes Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro.

In his comments to the event held June 29-30 in the Nicaraguan capital, Cuba’s First Vice President Miguel Díaz-Canel said that the regional body is based on solidarity and humanity, helping those who most need an oil supply at fair prices and payment options appropriate for each of the member countries.

Díaz-Canel advocated expanding the objectives of the integrationist bloc, with an economic zone supporting the elimination of poverty and illiteracy, promoting development in the countries which make up the multinational entity.

He added that Cuba supports the establishment of a Petrocaribe Economic Zone and the proposal to extend cooperation with other ALBA countries, according to La Voz del Sandinismo.

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega said that the entity, established in 2005 by 18 countries in the region, was a way to assure energy security for peoples and allow for the strengthening of economies.

"The Petrocaribe Economic Zone is not conceived as solely serving commercial ends, but also the creation of production sequences in the region, in defense of our peoples’ interests and not those of multinational companies’ centers of power," Ortega said.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro emphasized that Petrocaribe must become a poverty-free zone in which illiteracy is eradicated; better health care provided and a comprehensive food plan developed, AVN reported.

"Defeating illiteracy with education must be first. Second, expanding Mission Miracle and third, implementing a food plan. All of these measures in the spirit of that giant named Hugo Chávez," he added.

Bolivian President Evo Morales, who attended the meeting as a guest, said that this type of initiative emerged "to free ourselves from those who would subjugate us, dominate us and plunder our natural resources."

Morales indicated that his experience in Bolivia has prompted him to propose a new relationship between Petrocaribe and other ALBA countries, to broaden the economic zone and link it to other integrationist entities in the region.

Porfirio Lobo of Honduras commented that the Petrocaribe Economic Zone will help the most needy overcome their challenges.

President Danilo Medina of the Dominican Republic supported the creation of an economic zone and thanked the Venezuelan people for their solidarity with this type of initiative which promotes the region’s development.

Likewise, Haitian President Michel Martelly saluted the efforts of Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro to realize the dream of unity.

Those present at the 8th Summit condemned the arbitrary inclusion of Cuba on the U.S. government list of states which sponsor terrorism, according to PL.

Inclusion on this State Department list implies serious sanctions and, in the case of Cuba, serves to justify the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed on the country for more than 50 years. (SE)

July 05, 2013


Sunday, June 23, 2013

PETROCARIBE: Cooperation within a new framework

By Mario Esquive

THE integrationist enterprise PETROCARIBE, launched in 2005 to support Latin American and Caribbean energy security, has designed new structures for cooperation, meant to consolidate its position internationally.

Critical to this effort is a proposal to work for the creation of a PETROCARIBE Economic Zone, subject to analysis of specific national characteristics by members’ respective governments.

The objective looks to support the strengthening of member countries economically and socially, through the establishment of a framework for trade and stimulation of productive activities

According to experts, this option differs from similar, traditional schema in which, for the most part, foreign industrial and service businesses are authorized to function within an area, under a regimen of financial and administrative benefits and exemptions.

In the case of PETROCARIBE, the special economic zone would facilitate the articulation of production sequences through a regional development plan.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro noted that June 29, the anniversary of the group’s foundation, would be an appropriate occasion to make concrete decisions along these lines, above all in the economic and financial spheres.

The measures, he added, must lead to the strengthening of investments in key areas such as agriculture, agricultural industry, technology and tourism, among other economic activities.

Figures indicate that PDVSA (Petróleos de Venezuela) has sold 232 million barrels of oil to the country’s 17 associates in the group over the last six years.

The daily average delivery of 108,000 barrels by PDVSA covers 40% of the consumption requirements of PETROCARIBE member nations.

The enterprise agreement operates within a financing framework which uses prices on the international market as a reference. However, dispositions exist to support member countries, such as grace periods for payment over one or two years, along with the option to cancel a portion of the debt with food supplies.

Now the economic zone strategy is looking to consolidate productive sectors in order to generate economic earnings to make the cooperative operation sustainable.

The agreement, which includes 18 countries, has thus far made advances in the social arena which go beyond the supply of fuel under favorable financial conditions.

Through the ALBA-Caribe Fund, 179 million dollars have been allocated for 85 projects in 12 countries, in addition to $22 million for electrical works.

By way of the ALBA Food Fund, 24 million dollars were made available to a dozen initiatives to promote sustainable production of basic food items.

Additionally, 12 joint venture companies have undertaken 48 projects in their respective countries. (Orbe)
June 20, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Petrocaribe has stood the test of time ... ...thanks to the legacy left by Hugo Chávez

Maduro: Petrocaribe has stood the test of time

DURING the 7th PETROCARIBE Summit of Heads of State and Government, held in Caracas after the 9th Ministerial Council, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said that the organization had stood the test of time, thanks to the legacy left by Hugo Chávez.

The President proposed the idea of designating a number of currencies, such as the SUCRE (the Unitary System of Regional Compensation), or other formulas, to facilitate trade among PETROCARIBE members.

The Summit approved the full membership of Honduras and Guatemala, in line with the goal of strengthening regional integration in the energy sector, according to Prensa Latina. Also agreed upon was the scheduling of a Summit in Nicaragua this coming June 29, on the eve of the organization’s eighth anniversary.

The Summit was preceded by an Energy and Finances Ministerial Council meeting. Venezuelan Minister of Oil and Mining, Rafael Ramírez, reported that the necessary conditions were in place for the functioning of the PETROCARIBE Economic Zone, another tool to promote ongoing sustainable, harmonious development in the region.

PETROCARIBE’s energy agreement, with 18 countries participating, has facilitated social progress, going beyond the supplying of oil on the basis of flexible financial terms. For example, its ALBA-Caribe Fund has provided more than $179 million for the execution of 85 projects in 12 nations. Through this fund, finances have been made available to advance access to healthcare, education and housing, as well as promoting economic development.

PETROCARIBE was founded in 2005 and includes Antigua & Barbuda, the Bahamas, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname and Venezuela.

Leaders attending the 7th PETROCARIBE Summit paid tribute to Chávez, visiting the Montaña Garrison, on the two month anniversary of his death.


The creation of PETROCARIBE represents an integrationist response to mitigate the asymmetry generated by neocolonialism in the Caribbean, said Ricardo Cabrisas, Vice President of Cuba’s Council of Ministers, in his remarks to the Summit, according to PL.

Under the leadership of Chávez, PETROCARIBE was an "original and audacious idea" which, from the beginning, sought to go beyond merely distributing oil, to promote collaborative energy policies.

According to Cabrisas, Chávez foresaw a comprehensive project, which would support cooperation in programs of social impact, in addition to facilitating access to oil supplies.

Cabrisas further commented, "It is our responsibility to guarantee the continuity of this collaboration between sister peoples facing the crisis of the world economy, of energy, food, the environment and ideas."

May 09, 2013

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Latin America and the Caribbean move toward energy security

Caracas, 13 May. AVN .- One of the main issues analyzed during a meeting by the people responsible for the energy area in Latin America and the Caribbean was the construction of an institutionality to be able to execute the proposals made on energy security, informed the Venezuelan Energy and Oil minister Rafael Ramirez.

The encounter held in a hotel in Caracas is part of the preliminary meetings in the framework of the Third Summit of Latin America and the Caribbean on Integration and Development (CALC) that will take place in Venezuela on July 5.

“Energy security includes a reliable and direct supply; for such reason, there are proposals to create mixed ventures in which each country can manage sovereignly its own resources without intermediaries that create so much speculation in the international oil market. We have progressed a lot in that matter in the Caribbean and in the South,” Ramirez explained.

In the first journey, it was decided the themes that will be discussed during the ministerial meeting of this Friday in which it is expected the attendance of the Venezuelan Foreign Affairs minister Nicolas Maduro.

From Friday"s meeting, a series of proposals will emerge and they will be debated over by the head of States next July during the Third CALC Summit.

“Solidarity, complementarity,energy security and asymmetries were the main themes discussed on Thursday,” he added

Ramirez stated that ministers have also debated over energy cooperation, since the countries in the meeting are part of Petrocaribe and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), and proposals have been made to make the two blocs work in the same direction.

The Venezuelan minister recalled that besides Petrocaribe, Venezuela has alliances in 8 mixed ventures in the Caribbean and is participating in the South in diverse natural gas, oil and fuel projects with Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil and Colombia.

“We have reached some progress in a bilateral way, but we think that this is an extraordinary proposal because we are holding talks with countries with common problems and we are building a fundamental bloc so as to give support to the socio-economic development of our nations,” he added.

Ramirez recalled that Latin America and the Caribbean have become one of the regions in the world with more hydrocarbon reserves, “which will be very important for the planning in next years.”

09:38 13/05/2011
