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Showing posts with label fight against poverty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fight against poverty. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2010

The UN and the Caribbean - A hope misplaced

by Rebecca Theodore

Eradicating poverty is the greatest global challenge facing the world today. The statistical surge of pictures of poverty around the world is not only manifested as a gross form of over representation by the media and other crusading organizations, but also shows the way in which poverty acts as a stigmata for entertainment and the way in which realism govern images in the capitalist press.

According to UNICEF and World Health Organization statistics, every 3 seconds a child dies from hunger and preventable disease. Yet, while we revel in the repute of a scientific and technological age, with tremendous advances in modern medicine and billion of dollars spent on nuclear armaments, the UN under the umbrella of the MDG fuels the flame by internationally declaring that 2010 is a defining moment in their fight against poverty.

Rebecca Theodore was born on the north coast of the Caribbean island of Dominica and resides in Toronto Canada. A national security and political columnist, she holds a BA and MA in Philosophy. She can be reached at rebethd@aim.comIt is clear that not only is this an insult to one’s intelligence but in accepting a daylight saving time mentality by pushing the date forward to an additional five years to further give a distinct character to poverty, the UN defeats its purpose of serving as a forum to set a global agenda, far less a pursuit of a vigorous development agenda, or the deliverance of humanitarian assistance to improve living conditions and alleviate poverty to those in need.

It follows that if Millennium Development Goals are supposed to be a solid, visual depiction between the world’s major economic players, i.e. poor countries’ improvement of policies and governance and rich countries’ provision of resources; then this is nothing more that an inflated statement of intent because it is rhetoric such as this that continues to muster and produce the poor among us.

Examples are clearly seen in the activities of the World Bank, and United Nations Development Program (UNDP), whose material operations are a consequence of the venality of poor people in the world at large.

In the same way that rhetoric did not fill stomachs in Nazi Germany’s day because the only goal of persuasive speech was to conquer the masses -- any means to that end was good and any means that did not serve that end was bad -- overcoming this delusion and developing a human development program through education, health, water, sanitation and job creation to eradicate poverty, to lift the poorest out of their isolation so that they can prosper and their talents and productivity can be unleashed will generate diverse return in terms of economic growth and social stability.

Statistics indicate that as many as 100 million people have fallen below the poverty line since the financial crisis began. Therefore a worldwide demand of civil society of the commitment to increase official development assistance is an economically solid and morally sound proposition.

In this regard, Caribbean states are also vulnerable in the face of poverty as economic and political problems that one state faces individually are common to all Caribbean states.

It is clear that Caribbean islands are experiencing climate change more quickly and visibly than other nations. Compressed with the malady of food security, marine and coastal resources, dependence on foreign aid and markets for financial growth -- a problem that sees fluctuation on global markets at an alarming rate, and dependence on imports for food and energy, then it is evident that Caribbean nations will have high debt burdens, which leave them vulnerable to economic problems, sinking deeper into the abyss of poverty and dehumanizing living and working conditions.

Hence, it is time to consider our vulnerabilities as leveraged strength and seek diasporic unity in the battle against poverty because the UN is no longer an immediate saviour.

It must be seen that UN conferences as MDG produces nothing but strife and bickering in its pledge to solve the sufferings of humanity, for if its purpose is to help countries build and share their own solutions to challenge urgent development needs, supporting coalitions for change and connecting individuals and institutions so they can share knowledge, experience and resources, then considering the UN’s deplorable track record in Rwanda, Darfur and Congo, committing hundreds of sex crimes against the people they were sent to protect; and until recently in Haiti where incompetence and corruption reigns supreme with its entrustment of billions of dollars to stabilize the lives of the Haitian people allotted to the salary and luxurious upkeep of its own workers, the question lingers -- Is there cause for optimism in its reconstruction of the Caribbean and its environs in the fight to eradicate poverty?
