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Showing posts with label Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Trinidad and Tobago: 80 % of citizens unhappy with Manning Government

Citizens of Trinidad and Tobago are not at all satisfied with the manner in which their country is being run by the Manning administration.

The level of public approval is shockingly low, notwithstanding the fact that fieldwork for the survey was conducted during the run up to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) when activities were undertaken which should have boosted the image of the Prime Minister and his regime.

Eighty per cent of the sample said they were dissatisfied with the manner in which the country was being managed.

Thirty-five per cent were ’very dissatisfied’ while 45 per cent were ’dissatisfied.’ Only four per cent were ’very satisfied’ and 12 per cent were ’satisfied,’ an aggregate of 16 per cent. This figure was seven points lower than what was recorded in our November 2008 Survey when 23 per cent of the sample said they were satisfied.

Four per cent could not make up their minds as to whether they were satisfied or dissatisfied. Surveys conducted by other agencies show similar evidence of disenchantment.

Not surprisingly, more Indo-Trinidadians reported that they were dissatisfied with Manning’s performance than Afro-Trinidadians.

Eighty-seven per cent of them were disenchanted compared to 76 per cent of the latter. Unhappiness is ubiquitous and felt across the board.

Citizens were also of the view that the Government was squandering public money. As many as 76 per cent averred that government was frittering away tax payers money which could be more productively used. Eighteen per cent ’disagreed’ and five per cent could not say for sure.

More Indo-Trinidadians (85 per cent) complained about waste than did Afro-Trinidadians (69 per cent).

Notwithstanding all the social support programmes and policies that have been put in place as part of Government’s 20-20 vision, many Trinidadians say they are worse off today than they were in October 2007 when the government was returned to power. Forty-four per cent report that they are ’worse off’ or ’much worse off;’ 39 per cent however say that their circumstances are the ’same.’ Only 17 per cent said they were ’better off’ or ’much better off.’ Twice as many Indo-Trinidadians (62 per cent) perceived themselves as being worse off than did Afro-Trinidadians (31 per cent).

December 13th 2009
