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Showing posts with label greatest President. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greatest President. Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2017

There are four things Donald Trump can do to be the greatest President in modern history

Robert David STEELE Vivas

Robert Steele: Memorandum for the President – Warning on a Violent American Spring, Eight Actions for Donald Trump to Make America Great Again



WARNING: You have 30 days to settle the country. A violent “American Spring” looms.

You are under attack on three fronts:
  1. The Extreme Left & the controlled “fake news” MSM
  2. US Neo-Conservatives led by Dick Cheney, funded by foreigners
  3. The Deep State of entrenched senior officials combined with Senators and Representatives being blackmailed and bribed to betray the Republic.
You are not under attack from Iran or Russia – all your existential fights are right here.

There are four things you need to do immediately in order to survive:

45th President of the United States

  1. Switch out Preibus and Flynn — smart choices for the transition, they are undermining you now, Tillerson and Mattis probably agree they both need to go. You need a loyal Chief of Staff who can manage complexity, and a National Strategy Advisor with balance.
  2. Introduce the Electoral Reform Act of 2017 and demand that it go through – this is the only way you will survive the looming demise of the Republican Party; the only way you legitimize your accidental 27% presidency with a majority of the public; and the only way you free Members from foreign and financial community bribery and blackmail.
  3. Create the non-profit educational Trump Channel backed up by an Open Source Agency. Clear the existing press area in the White House, turn that into Trump Studios, and offer a daily fireside chat as well as short daily briefs by your principals in turn on each threat, each policy, each budget – bypass the fake news media, educate the public, and use PollMole to see what 200 million think on a Presidential Dashboard.
  4. Unleash the FBI, with NSA support, against the Deep State. You may have already started this, the Republican and Democratic Party pedophiles are the Achilles heel. We can isolate 500 other embedded traitors (financial, religious, ideological) in 90 days.
There are four things you can do to be the greatest President in modern history.
  1. Diversify your senior team – adding Cynthia McKinney and Dennis Kucinich – and Ralph Nader and Jesse Ventura in some capacity – will strangle the extreme left and open up the middle. Take your diversified team on the road – 50 states in 30 days.
  2. Organize a Grand Strategy Summit, televised for public consumption – the ultimate reality show. The last one was done in 1953 by Ike Eisenhower. Address all high level threats and all Cabinet policy domains in context of achieving a balanced budget.
  3. Organize a Revenue Summit, televised for public consumption, in which you invite Dr. Edgar Feige of Wisconsin to brief his idea of an Automated Payment Transaction Tax that allows you to eliminate all other taxes, especially income taxes. This fractional tax puts the tiny burden where it should be: on Wall Street instead of Main Street. Allow the public to scrutinize the alternatives you have been considering. You will be a hero.
  4. Invite every citizen in debt to sign a Debt Renunciation Pledge on a non-profit website, authorizing you to negotiate, on their behalf, a reduction of the three trillion dollars in student debt, elderly medical debt, and small business and family credit card debt. This will connect you to 150 million or more citizens and empower you against Wall Street.
Background:  Former CIA Spy Has A Surprising Message For Trump
Talk To: Robert David Steele
UPDATE: 30 minute audio with Dr. Dave Janda, recorded Sunday, 12 February 2017