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Sunday, February 2, 2025




By Professor Gilbert Morris
Nassau, The Bahamas


First, no need for all this panicking.  Countries don’t die.  Second, Canada must assess whether and to what degree export/sales will slow as result of the tariffs; at 25% premium they could still see significant sales.

Third, a slight devaluation in the Canadian dollar is a short-term option; which would offset the tariff.

Fourth, Canada needs a bold response that rocks the U.S. back in its heels.  That would be to end the Cuban Embargo by completing a trade Agreement with Cuba to raise up Cuban agriculture, using Canadian know-how, technology and equipment.  Stand up Cuban hotels and open to Chinese tourists.  There would be latency, but the political statement would be bold.  One must attack always, but in these circumstances, moreso and the lesson is they oughtn’t have been resting in the comfort of their U.S. relationships, Trump or no Trump!

Fifth, Canada could join BRICs together with Mexico; purely political…but bold!

The truth is, Canada-(trade:77%)/Mexico-(trade: 84%) were lazy and locked their economies too intimately with the US’s and the sting of lower export volumes will hurt.

Mr. Trump dosen’t have an ask here…not better trade terms or anything, so it seems he just wants to punish Canada and Mexico to the delight of his supporters.

The strategy would be that by mid-term, Trump would be less potent as his chaos would catch up to him.  During his previous administration, tariffs cost him $35 billion in subsidies.  In one of his cascades of executive orders, he rescinded reporting requirements for the department of trade.  So he’ll just claim they are ‘making billions’; which even toddlers know is rubbish.  Also, trade was reduced to Russia and China last administration but accrued not to domestic U.S. suppliers but to Mexico and Canada!


Canada could set up shop in The Bahamas and trade to its U.S. buyers from Bahamas…

This Bahamas option is an outlier.

It would be a matter of “derring do”!

I believe our economic model puts us in a worse “sitting duck” position than is Canada or Mexico.

We must attempt to imagine near impossible options on economy as we must on environment.

Structurally, The Bahamas is perfect as a “stealth” substitute trade hub for Canadian goods to entire U.S.

There, the question is timing, structure, linkages to U.S. strategic business, banking, conceptual framing.

We’d have to have an attitude that it’s a fluid proposition and since Canada nor Mexico structure their trade for leverage…we’d have to use leverage - relationships with persons and companies that are hard to punish - to knit together a trade proposition.

As I’ve said, all successful nations have done a “hard thing”; something that carries high risk, goes against the cultural grain and is asymmetrical.

This could be our hard thing!

But as I said, it’s an outlier proposition…if successful it may succeed only for a while!


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Phases of Robot Integration On The Move


We shall never again for all the rest of human history be alone on earth and we shall share the earth with machines that demand our conformity - just as your mobile does now - rather than conforming to us

By Professor Gilbert Morris
Nassau, The Bahamas

Humanoid Robots
Learn this term “device density”…it’s a measure of how many robots are integrated with humans in society on an everyday basis.

What you may not have imagined is there are already 3-5 times as many robots as there are humans:

1. Your mobile device

2. Siri/Alexa

3. Your EV automobile…like Tesla

4. Your digital speakers

5. Your iPad

6. Any digital device in the hope

7. All Social Media

8. Space Probes and Satellites

Imagine three further distinctions:

1. Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT etc.)

2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) there is a race between NVIDIA, GOOGLE, META, AMAZON, OpenAI and China for dominance in this area.  They aren’t trying to find a cure for diabetes.  They want to become the dominant monopoly capable of controlling all human data or AI capable of full human replacement 

3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) means “Singularity” which means all systems and devices would be hyperlinked, with computational computational capacity as near as possible to human cognition; rendering humans obsolete.

Can you handle another distinction?

1. Platform AI - that’s non-Device/non-Robotic AI, usually in the form of a large data centre.

2. Robotic/Device or humanoid-mobile AI

We are in the stage of the first - Platform AI, but 2025 will see the rollout of the second iteration of humanoid robots.  And just so you imagine it correctly: imagine robots being made at the rate of mobile phones!

This means that for the first time and forever in the human future, humans would share the earth with another and perhaps competing computational intelligence.

What would it be like?

First reaction: like Butterflies.  Fascinating, integrating and exhilarating

Second reaction: like Tin-Man or R2D2, machine-human “friendships”!  That’s because the human ego is stimulated by anything that acts like a human…from which humans assume their natural superiority! 

Third reaction: the two reactions above will evolve to “cockroach menace”.  That is the same way you feel about a cockroach infestation, you’ll come to feel about robots, just when they will be multiplying everywhere with a device density of one-to-one; since robots will be manufacturing robots.

Human Humanoid Robots
We shall never again for all the rest of human history be alone on earth and we shall share the earth with machines that demand our conformity - just as your mobile does now - rather than conforming to us.

If you ask: why wouldn’t these machines be obedient to us, I’ll leave you with the creator-created metaphor: God - the religions say - created you; if you don’t obey your #creator, why should what you created obey you?


Monday, January 6, 2025

Trump Bahamas!

What's Donald Trump Plans for The Bahamas?

By Dennis Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

#47 Trump
Donald Trump will soon be officially the 47th President of the USA.  He is also #45.

He has clearly been nicely and attractively refined and repackaged, and he appears eager to be the mighty dictator of the greatest nation on earth – and perhaps the world.  He has promised that he would be a dictator for just a day.  We know better than that!

Soon to be President Donald Trump has wasted no time ruffling feathers in his homeland, the region and the world.  He has boldly pronounced his interest in Canada and Greenland becoming States of the Union.  He has also expressed his interest in taking back control of the Panama Canal – among other feather-ruffling statements!

I wonder what are #47 plans for The Bahamas; as the USA government presently considers The Bahamas as its third border!

We will learn more about what our friendly neighborhood dictator has in store for The Bahamas – sooner rather than later no doubt.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Negative Implications of The High Levels of Inequality in Colombia

Territorial Inequalities in Colombia: Realities and Prospects

By  -  -  - 

Territorial inequality comes at a cost: it significantly reduces economic efficiency and hinders productivity in the most vulnerable regions...

Colombia, like many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, has high levels of inequality, in both in terms of income and the country’s geography.  This characteristic has negative implications for its economic growth and the quality of life of its population.

Severe income inequality at the national level requires, among other measures, progressive fiscal policies to generate greater equity.  Yet territorial inequality presents a significant challenge: we lack measures of territorial inequality over time that are comparable to those at the national level.  This limitation hinders evidence-based diagnosis that could support the development of effective policies.

Measuring Territorial Inequality in Colombia

In order to better understand inequalities between Colombia’s different regions and consider public policies to address them, the IDB published on a study in which it developed a multidimensional index of territorial inequality.  This index measures seven determining factors in the lives of Colombians, from childhood to old age.  It also provides an objective measure of the phenomenon that can be replicated over time.  The results outline four broad categories when it comes to the different departments of Colombia.  These groupings, which together we can call the Multiple Colombias (see Figure 1) are:

  1. Consolidated Colombia: The most prosperous departments, where a robust and diversified economic model has been consolidated.
  2. Emerging ColombiaDepartments that, although lagging in some dimensions, have the conditions to consolidate improvements in the well-being of their inhabitants.
  3. Colombia in Transition: Departments facing significant structural challenges, but able to partially mitigate social shocks.
  4. Vulnerable Colombia: Departments where multiple factors that inhibit citizens’ well-being and quality of life converge.

The results show that the differences between these regions are equivalent to the disparities between countries of vastly different wealth and development.  There are regions in Colombia with social and economic indicators equivalent to high-income countries, other areas resembling upper-middle-income and lower-middle-income ones, and others with results similar to those of low-income countries.

The Implications of Territorial Inequality

Territorial inequality comes at a cost: it significantly reduces economic efficiency and hinders productivity in the most vulnerable regions.  The concentration of resources in favored areas not only limits the development of disadvantaged regions; it keeps them in a state where the lack of opportunities and investment perpetuates a vicious cycle of poverty and exclusion.  This dynamic negatively impacts productivity and economic growth, hindering inclusive development.

In fact, the departments in the Vulnerable Colombia have shown a negative gap of one percentage point in real GDP growth over the last decade compared to the national average.  In contrast, the departments in the Consolidated Colombia show a positive gap, which reinforces their competitive advantage.  Likewise, departmental competitiveness indices reveal significant disparities: while departments in the Vulnerable Colombia score an average of 3.1 out of 10, those in the Consolidated Colombia  have almost double this score with an average of 6.4 out of 10.

Social mobility is also negatively affected by these gaps.  Compared to other countries in the region, Colombia has lower social mobility, as revealed by studies that consider both years of education and other wealth indicators.  This lack of access to equitable opportunities, exacerbated by territorial inequalities, perpetuates poverty over generations, restricting the possibilities for socioeconomic advancement and maintaining these disparities over time.

Strengthening territorial work

Counteracting regional disparities is essential.  At the IDB, we emphasize the importance of designing evidence-based territorial development policies that can respond to the specific needs of the Multiple Colombias. These policies should address the economic, social and environmental particularities of each region and be integrated into national development plans.

The use of multidimensional inequality indices and measures of social mobility is an important advance in this sense.  These instruments provide a more complete and nuanced view than traditional metrics and are crucial to the design of effective strategies to address inequalities in a comprehensive manner.  Strategies to improve the quality of education and cash transfer programs, for example, will be effective to the extent that they consider territorial realities.

In addition, it is essential to strengthen territorial entities with programs that increase their capacity to generate their own resources and formulate projects of public investment and social support projects.  This support will not only improve the effectiveness of regional policies but will also reduce inequalities and help promote equitable development.  After all, every citizen, regardless of where they live, should have the opportunity to benefit from inclusive growth: to prosper and contribute to the country’s development.


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

U.S. Attorney of U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of New York - Announces Cocaine Importation Charges Against Chief Superintendent Of Royal Bahamas Police Force And Other Corrupt Bahamian Government Officials

Elvis Nathaniel Curtis and Other Corrupt Bahamian Officials Led Efforts to Support and Protect Large-Scale Cocaine Shipments Through The Bahamas en Route to the United States

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Anne Milgram, the Administrator of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), announced the unsealing of an Indictment charging 13 defendants with cocaine importation and related weapons offenses in connection with their participation in a massive cocaine importation conspiracy enabled by corrupt Bahamian government officials, including high-ranking members of the Royal Bahamas Police Force (“RBPF”).  ELVIS NATHANIEL CURTIS, an RBPF Chief Superintendent, and
Darren Roker
DARRIN ALEXANDER ROKER, a Chief Petty Officer in the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (“RBDF”), were arrested on Monday in Florida and had their initial appearances yesterday afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.  LORIELMO STEELE-POMARE, a/k/a “Steele” and WILLIAM SIMEON, a/k/a “Harvey Smith,” a/k/a “William Jacques,” a/k/a “Romeo Russell,” a/k/a “Dario Rolle,” were arrested overseas on Monday.  LUIS FERNANDO OROZCO-TORO was arrested overseas yesterday.  The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Gregory H. Woods.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As alleged, for years, drug traffickers have smuggled tons of cocaine through The Bahamas with the support and protection of corrupt Bahamian government officials who control airports throughout the country and provide sensitive information about U.S. Coast Guard movements to drug traffickers.  This Indictment is the latest in a series of charges that this Office and the DEA’s Special Operations Division have brought against corrupt government officials around the globe who partner with dangerous cocaine traffickers.  Today’s charges should serve as yet another powerful wake-up call to corrupt officials everywhere—we will not rest until you are held accountable for your role in the drug trade that is poisoning this country and our community.  I commend the career prosecutors of this Office and our partners at the DEA for their tireless efforts to disrupt drug-fueled corruption wherever it takes hold.”

DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said: “The arrests of corrupt officials, including a leader of the Royal Bahamas Police Force and another government official in the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, expose the alarming betrayal of public trust that has enabled tons of cocaine to flow through The Bahamas and into the United States.  In 2024, there was a 5.4% increase in cocaine seizures in the United States.  By abusing their positions to accept bribes, protect traffickers, and facilitate drug shipments via airports and maritime routes, these individuals jeopardized countless lives for personal gain.  Let this be a clear message from the DEA: if you are a government official who uses your power to traffic in drugs and corruption, we will bring you to justice in the United States.”

According to the allegations contained in the Indictment:[1]

Since at least May 2021, drug traffickers have smuggled tons of cocaine through The Bahamas for importation into the U.S. with the help and support of corrupt Bahamian government officials.  The Bahamas has in recent years become an increasingly important transshipment point for U.S.-bound cocaine.  This is a result, in part, of its proximity to the U.S., as the northernmost Bahamian islands are less than 100 nautical miles from the coast of Florida, making The Bahamas an attractive route for cocaine traffickers.

The increased cocaine flow through The Bahamas and into the U.S. has been a direct result of yearslong, drug-fueled corruption by certain officials in key Bahamian government institutions.  Such corruption includes certain high-ranking members of the RBPF and other Bahamian government officials who work with drug traffickers to receive, protect, and provide safe passage for massive cocaine shipments through the airports and ports of The Bahamas.  These corrupt officials support the drug trade into the U.S. at multiple levels.  First, cocaine-laden aircraft, including on U.S.-registered planes, are received at remote airstrips and larger airports in The Bahamas under the supervision of corrupt RBPF officials who work with, and accept bribes from, drug traffickers.  Then, once the cocaine arrives in The Bahamas, those corrupt officials also help drug traffickers transport their cocaine from the northernmost points of The Bahamas to the U.S. using go-fast vessels, yachts, and fishing boats.

The DEA has historically coordinated drug enforcement operations with the RBPF through a counternarcotics program called Operation Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, or “OPBAT.”  Although OPBAT has had its share of successes in combatting the drug trade in the Caribbean, certain corrupt RBPF and Bahamian officials abuse the OPBAT program and their relationship with the DEA to disrupt U.S.-led law enforcement attempts to combat drug trafficking in The Bahamas.  Corrupt RBPF officials have, among other things, denied the DEA access to seized cocaine and evidence, provided information to the DEA that was contradicted by aerial surveillance, and even informed a DEA agent that certain drug trafficking targets were “off limits.”

As alleged, CURTIS is an RBPF Chief Superintendent who supervises airport locations throughout The Bahamas, including the Lynden Pindling International Airport in Nassau (the “Nassau Airport”), which is the largest airport in The Bahamas.  In exchange for bribes made by drug traffickers, CURTIS has abused his official position to, among other things, provide safe passage for cocaine shipments through airports in The Bahamas, with the assistance of other corrupt officials such as RBPF Sergeant PRINCE ALBERT SYMONETTE.  For instance, on or about October 18, 2023, CURTIS and SYMONETTE each accepted approximately $10,000 in bribe payments as a down payment for their assistance in what they understood to be an upcoming 600-kilogram cocaine shipment to The Bahamas through the Nassau Airport, for eventual distribution to the U.S.  Additionally, in or about September 2024, CURTIS explained that, in exchange for a $2 million bribe, a high-ranking Bahamian politician that CURTIS named would authorize the assistance and involvement of armed RBPF officials to facilitate incoming cocaine shipments.  CURTIS and ROKER also discussed abusing their official positions to transport drug proceeds from cocaine sales in the U.S. back to The Bahamas, including with Bahamian government and military aircraft.

Other corrupt Bahamian officials, such as ROKER, a Chief Petty Officer in the RBDF, have facilitated maritime drug trafficking activities through The Bahamas and into the U.S. by providing sensitive information about U.S. Coast Guard and DEA-led OPBAT operations to alert drug traffickers, in exchange for bribes.  RICCARDO ADOLPHUS DAVIS also purports to be an official in the Bahamian government who used his influence with corrupt Bahamian government officials to authorize drug trafficking facilitated by RBPF officials.

Drug traffickers who work with the RBPF and other Bahamian officials coordinate closely with pilots to fly their U.S.-bound cocaine shipments from Central and South America into The Bahamas.  These pilots also work for various Bahamian private charter companies that provide flight services to Bahamian citizens and foreign tourists who are visiting The Bahamas.

*                *                *

CURTIS, 51, of The Bahamas; SYMONETTE, 52, of The Bahamas; ROKER, 56, of The Bahamas; DAVIS, 59, of The Bahamas; SIMEON, 52, of The Bahamas; THEODORE NATHANIEL ADDERLEY, a/k/a “Blue,” 53, of The Bahamas; JOSHUA MCDONALD SCAVELLA, a/k/a “Cow,” 46, of The Bahamas; STEELE-POMARE, 59, of Colombia; OROZCO-TORO, 58, of Colombia; DAVON REVION KHAIM ROLLE, 34, of The Bahamas; DARREN ARTHUR FERGUSON, a/k/a “Hubba,” 54, of The Bahamas; DOMONICK DELANCY, 36, of The Bahamas; and DONALD FREDERICK FERGUSON II, a/k/a “DJ,” a/k/a “Billy,” 26, of The Bahamas, are charged with cocaine importation conspiracy, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life in prison; using and carrying firearms during, and possessing firearms in furtherance of, the cocaine-importation conspiracy, which carries a mandatory minimum consecutive sentence of five years in prison and a maximum sentence of life in prison; and conspiring to use and carry firearms during, and possessing firearms in furtherance of, the cocaine-importation conspiracy, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

The statutory minimum and maximum penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by a judge.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of the DEA’s Special Operations Division’s Bilateral Investigations Unit, Nassau Country Office, Bogota Country Office, and Panama City Country Office, as well as the assistance of the Office of International Affairs of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division.

The case is being handled by the Office’s National Security and International Narcotics Unit.  Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jonathan L. Bodansky, Nicholas S. Bradley, and Juliana N. Murray are in charge of the prosecution.

The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

If you or someone you know has information about the conduct in this case, please contact the DEA’s tip line at

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the Indictment and the description of the Indictment set forth herein constitutes only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.


Nicholas Biase, Shelby Wratchford
(212) 637-2600


Friday, November 1, 2024

Clarkenomics Jamaica


So, you want to be Finance Minister of an Island economy: 3 minute post-graduate seminar on “Clarkenomics”.

The Principles of Clarkenomics in Jamaica

By Professor Gilbert Morris
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Let’s get context: 3 principles of Clarke’s economic management:

1. Macro-economic stability
2. System buffers
3. Targeted intervention

Dr. Nigel Clarke Jamaica
Before these there is a mandate: Clarke’s tenure as Jamaica’s finance minister is proof for the rule “never accept responsibility without authority”.  Keith Duncan led a Jamaica private sector/civil society group, which together insisted on structural/system reforms.  In 2018 they got Clarke elected to carryout those reforms.  This social contract gave Clarke the freedom to fight the economic situation without infighting; it allowed him to choose his team and implement his programme.

Macro-economic stability (MES):

Discuss with your colleagues which metaphor aligns here: is MES terrain, the track or the train?  It was a non-negotiable foundation of Clarke’s approach.  No party favours, no partisan gifts, no patronage for political lackeys.


Buffers are usually thought of as “policy cushions”, softening impacts where policy is delivered.  But Clarke’s approach escapes textbook assumptions by enacting two-way buffers:

1. Buffers where the policy impacts citizens
2. But also buffers where the policy is protected from external impacts

This point is critical for smallislandstates, because we control nothing and our best laid plans may be waylaid by external forces.  Buffers meant the MES programme was flexible and could be nursed through situations; without excuses.

Targeted interventions:

Where there are anomalies (regressions etc.), one can target solutions/corrections/offsets to keep the whole of society engaged. Clarke’s 2019 Budget - finest in history of Caribbean - was a study in these interventions (tax relief, tuition reduction in exchange for charity volunteerism etc.), generating shared commitment to social well-being, whilst maintaining disciplined economic management.

One of the cardinal tenants of Clarkenomics is “trickle up”:  Dr. Clarke turn the age old text book presumption of “trickle down economics” on its head.  He strategised to ensure that people at the bottom felt the benefits first; hence the tax cuts for low wage earners, assistance for students and small businesses.  Clarke resolved that if we want robust markets, customers must have money in their pockets.  He succeeded in that masterfully!

Clarkenomcs resulted in:

1. Reductions in actual debt/reflected in debt to GDP from 144% to 72%
2. Fiscal Deficit reduced to negligible whilst growing economy over 3%; despite Covid!
3. Tax reductions fairly distributed
4. Small Business assistance
5. Half billion in PPPs for infrastructure development
6. Reform of corporate and land registry
7. Thousands of new homes and reduction of unemployment
8. New ICT architecture
9. Best performing stock exchange in the world for 6 years running
10. Upshot in Jamaican Reputational Capital

Clarke didn’t start this movement - Hon. Peter Phillips initiated social partnerships - he maximised it skillfully and with a new disciplined focus. Numerical targets, dates and transparent reporting ensured accountability.

If you want to be finance minister you can’t simply copy Clarkenomics. But the principles are a good place to start!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Dr. Kevin Alcena Believes that Kamala Harris is Divinely Ordained to become The Next President of the United States of America

Kamala Harris: Fulfillment of a Divine Prophecy as the Next President of the USA

Kamala Harris President

Drawing from the scriptures, Kamala Harris can be likened to Deborah, a wise and courageous leader in The Holy Bible

By Dr. Kevin J. Turnquest-Alcena
Nassau, NP, The Bahamas

Deo adjuvante, non timendum
"With God as my helper, I have nothing to fear."

Kevin Alcena
Dr. Kevin Alcena believes that Kamala Harris is divinely ordained to become the next President of the United States, ushering in an era of unity, equality, and global progress.  Her rise is seen not only as a political milestone but as a prophetic fulfillment, akin to the leadership of women in the Bible who were chosen by God to break down barriers and guide their people to new heights.  Harris’ leadership, like these biblical women, will transcend race, class, caste, and tribalism, fostering a vision of one human family united in purpose.

Kamala Harris and Biblical Women Leaders: A Prophetic Parallel

In drawing from the scriptures, Kamala Harris can be likened to Deborah, a wise and courageous leader in the Bible.  In Judges 4–5, Deborah stood as a prophetess and judge over Israel during a time of crisis.  She not only led Israel into battle but also provided wisdom and justice to the nation.  Much like Deborah, Harris has the potential to lead the United States—and by extension, the world—through turbulent times, breaking down the divisions that plague society and guiding people toward unity and peace.

Deborah’s leadership was divinely inspired, and she was known for her strength, vision, and determination to act justly.  Similarly, Dr. Alcena views Kamala Harris’ future leadership as divinely ordained, a modern-day fulfillment of biblical prophecy that will empower the marginalized, bridge the divides between cultures, and bring healing to the global community.

India’s Journey: Breaking Chains of Colonialism and Caste

India’s rise from colonial oppression mirrors the story of deliverance seen in many biblical narratives, where God’s people were liberated from oppression and given the opportunity to create a new future.  Like the Israelites under Deborah, India faced internal and external divisions that threatened its unity and progress.  The colonial era left India economically depleted, and the caste system entrenched deep social divisions.

Yet, through resilience and strategic investment in health, education, and technology, India has emerged as a global leader.  India’s journey serves as a blueprint for how nations can overcome oppressive systems.  Kamala Harris, like Deborah, has the potential to lead in a way that inspires people to rise above their divisions, whether they are racial, economic, or social.

Indigenous Peoples and Global Unity

Kamala Harris’ leadership is particularly relevant to the struggles of indigenous peoples around the world.  Throughout the Bible, God calls for justice for the oppressed and marginalized.  Proverbs 31:8-9 commands, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.  Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”  Harris’ potential presidency would give voice to those who have long been silenced, including indigenous populations in the United States and beyond.

Just as Deborah was called to lead in a time of great need, Harris’s rise could signify a moment of global reconciliation, where indigenous groups and other marginalized communities are finally given the justice and recognition they deserve.  Her leadership will not only be about political power but about healing historical wounds and fostering true unity, as prophesied by Dr. Alcena.

Breaking Down Class, Caste, and Tribal Divides

The Bible consistently speaks of God’s desire to break down barriers between people.  Galatians 3:28 affirms this by saying, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”  Harris’ leadership, much like the biblical vision of unity, will dismantle the systems of division that have kept people apart.

India’s progress in overcoming the caste system is a powerful example of how a society can reform itself to prioritize equality.  Harris, with her own background rooted in both Jamaican and Indian cultures, can serve as a global leader who continues this legacy of breaking down class and tribal distinctions.  Her presidency could be the catalyst that brings about a more inclusive world, one where people are valued for their character and contributions, not for their background or social standing.

Empowering Women Globally

One of the most significant aspects of Kamala Harris’ potential presidency is the empowerment of women, much like the role of Deborah in ancient Israel.  Deborah’s leadership inspired both men and women to rise up and reclaim their destiny.  Kamala Harris, as a woman leader, will similarly inspire women around the globe to take leadership roles, break societal barriers, and participate fully in shaping the future.

In the same way that the Bible highlights women like Esther, who was called “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14), Harris’ presidency will mark a divine moment in history.  It will be a time when women’s leadership is no longer questioned but celebrated, and their contributions are seen as vital to the progress of humanity.

Bridging Continents and Cultures

Kamala Harris’ unique background—born to a Jamaican father and an Indian mother—connects her to three continents: Asia, Africa, and the Americas.  This gives her the extraordinary ability to serve as a bridge between these regions, fostering cooperation and unity in a way that few other leaders could.  Just as Deborah brought together different tribes of Israel to fight for a common cause, Harris’ leadership will bring together nations and peoples with a shared vision for peace and progress.

Her presidency could signify the beginning of a new era where nations collaborate not just for their own interests but for the greater good of humanity.  The divine prophecy surrounding Harris, as Dr. Alcena envisions, is that she will lead the world into this new phase of global unity, breaking down the racial and cultural divisions that have long held back progress.

A Divine Path to Peace

In the midst of global conflicts, such as those in the Middle East, Harris’ presidency could bring a prophetic call for peace. Isaiah 2:4 speaks of a time when nations “will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.  Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”  Dr. Alcena believes that Harris’ leadership will guide the world toward a diplomatic and peaceful resolution to these conflicts, much like the biblical vision of a world without war.

Her presidency will emphasize dialogue and cooperation, creating opportunities for healing and lasting peace.  Just as Deborah brought peace to Israel after years of oppression, Harris has the potential to bring stability to regions that have been torn apart by conflict, fulfilling the divine prophecy of a world united under peace.

Conclusion: A Divine Prophecy for Global Unity

Kamala Harris’ rise to the presidency, as prophesied by Dr. Kevin Alcena, represents more than a political victory.  It is a divine moment in history, where the barriers of race, class, caste, and tribalism will be broken down, and humanity will come together as one.  Harris, like Deborah and Esther before her, is destined to lead in a time of great need, empowering women, healing the oppressed, and fostering global unity.

Her leadership will draw on the lessons of India’s rise from colonialism, emphasizing the importance of resilience, equality, and cooperation.  Indigenous peoples and marginalized communities around the world will find in her a leader who stands for justice and inclusion.  As she bridges continents and cultures, Harris will guide humanity into a new era of peace and progress—fulfilling the divine prophecy of unity, empowerment, and lasting global harmony.
