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Showing posts with label Caribbean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caribbean. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Partners in Climate Financing Solution

The fight against climate change is only just beginning, and soon enough we will need to rely on a new generation of environmental leaders...

The Bahamas Prime Minister, Philip Davis’ Remarks at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023

Fellow Heads of State and Ministers, 

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning:

Bahamas Prime Minister Philip Davis
I’ll begin by thanking the people and the government of Grenada for hosting us so graciously; it is wonderful to be here together.

I know we’re all looking forward to building on the progress we made last year in The Bahamas.

It is a source of great encouragement that our region, home to such a beautiful and vast diversity of peoples and languages and societies, can unite on key issues as we confront a new era of climate crisis.

The urgency of our work could not be clearer.

Even in the best-case scenarios – even if the world can make significant progress in reducing fossil fuel emissions (progress that in reality is far from assured) – for the foreseeable future, our region will continue to experience warming oceans, rising waters, and more intense hurricanes.

Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, more than a trillion tons of carbon dioxide have been released into our earth’s atmosphere.

Try as they might to skirt around the issue, the industrialized North will need to make the most sizable adjustments.  It is, after all, their development which has brought us to this point.

We must call on our partners in the North to deliver on the commitment they made at COP15 in Copenhagen, to mobilise US$100 billion per year by 2021.  This is the very same goal, which was reiterated at COP21 in Paris, and extended to 2025.

To date, they have yet to reach this target.

My friends, it makes no sense shooting arrows at new targets, when the bullseye of two decades before has yet to be hit.

As COP28 approaches, it is crucial that we, the developing countries on the frontlines of the climate crisis, hold the developed world to account.  Whether they honour their commitments could mean the difference between a mere disturbance and another Dorian – that devastating Category 5 super storm, the likes of which my country had never seen and is still recovering from.

To further the interests of the Caribbean, which are much the same as small island developing states (SIDS) in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, we must speak as one region, united by clear ideas and a common purpose.  We may operate in different geopolitical contexts, but we all lie in the same hurricane alley, we all rely, to a certain extent, on the tourist economy, and we all share common strands of a beautiful island culture under threat.

Let us use this occasion to marry our voices, to make ourselves heard.

I pushed for this regular meeting on the UN calendar because I strongly believe that the Caribbean can accomplish anything it sets its mind to.

I grew up on a small island in The Bahamas that is big on community.  It was the kind of tight knit place where even your neighbours felt like family, and that is exactly how I feel about all of you.

My brothers and sisters, ours is a common heritage, and a shared future.  Let us use this forum to identify our priorities, focus our efforts, and fight for a sustainable future.   A future in which the months from June to November do not spell certain doom for the countries of the Caribbean.

Key to a future in which our region flourishes will be our sustained commitment to seeing a loss and damage fund come to full fruition.  The adoption of this fund at COP27 was a remarkable achievement of Caribbean solidarity, one which we cannot afford to let fall by the wayside.

The time has come to double down on our efforts.  To tell these developed nations to “write the cheque”, as they have kicked the can down the road for far too long.  We cannot leave COP28 without the first pledge for funding identified.  This is no minor undertaking.  But if they are the big tree, we are the small axe!

And just as we hold the developed world to account, so too must we take active strides to enhance our own climate resilience.

Last week, I travelled to New York to take part in the Clinton Global Initiative, a community of doers committed to addressing the most pressing issues of our time.  At that forum, I was pleased to announce a new initiative, The Bahamas Sustainable Investment Programme or “BSIP” – a three-year economic and investment programme that is aligned with our Paris Agreement pledges and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

If The Bahamas, or indeed the Caribbean, is to succeed, we cannot be passive actors.  We must find our own solutions.  With this programme, we are spearheading our own climate financing solution, and we invite the region, and the world, to partner with us.

Much like the Bridgetown Initiative, this is about more than just expanding access to funding, it’s about developing a practical pathway to climate justice and global equity.

It goes without saying that the present international financial process is unsustainable.  I would go as far as to call it egregious.  As SIDS, we are grappling with colossal impacts of a climate crisis we did not precipitate.  We are shouldering disproportionate debt burdens.  In some cases, such as in The Bahamas, climate change-related debt amounts to over half of total GDP.  This is not only an enormous figure, it is an unjust figure.

International financial institutions need to be overhauled to deliver on a fit-for-purpose approach to lending due to loss and damage from climate impacts.  These institutions, in tandem with International Multilateral Development Banks, must re-evaluate their purpose, approach, and objectives when dealing with SIDS.  An appropriately weighted, multidimensional vulnerability index must be adopted, if access to concessional development finance is to be made available to the states which need it most.

Despite the daunting task ahead of us, I do believe we can get it done.  I do believe our region is on the cusp of an exodus – a journey out of vulnerability, and into resilience.

Fundamental to this quest will be our ability to engage and empower our youth.  For the Caribbean to go from strength to strength, we must edify, uplift, and enlist the assistance of our youth.  The fight against climate change is only just beginning, and soon enough we will need to rely on a new generation of environmental leaders.

If the youth of our region are to blaze trails, we must first light a fire inside them.  So let us welcome the next generation into the fold.  Let us harness their fresh perspectives and critical agility, as we embark on a path toward greater Caribbean resilience.

Brothers and sisters, I look forward to witnessing the outcomes of this important meeting, and I applaud the incoming Chair, Grenadian Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell, for taking up the mantle.  The resolutions we establish today will surely be critical in safeguarding our shared tomorrow. 

Thank you, and may God bless you all.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Migration in the Caribbean

A closer look at the Caribbean’s migratory systems

Similar to patterns of migration worldwide, migrants within the Caribbean tend to originate in countries with lower standards of living and fewer opportunities, moving to more advanced economies with more employment opportunities

Challenges and opportunities of migration in the Caribbean

By  -  -  -  - 

Update on Migration in the Caribbean
Migration has long been part of the fabric of Caribbean nations’ experience.  But while Caribbean migration is often discussed in the context of out-migration to the United States, Canada, and European countries, movement to and within the Caribbean is an equally important part of this story.  In recent decades, due in great part to climate change, natural disasters, and shifts in global mobility patterns, the migration landscape in the Caribbean has also changed significantly.

To provide governments, stakeholders, and external partners interested in strengthening the region’s capacity to accommodate changing migration patterns, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Migration Policy Institute have partnered to provide a policy review on migration in the Caribbean.

The report Migration, Integration, and Diaspora Engagement in the Caribbean: A Policy Review provides those interested in human mobility across Latin America and the Caribbean with a general overview of the Caribbean region’s extra- and intraregional migration trends, institutional frameworks, and the challenges and opportunities that new migration flows present for its development and regional integration.

Recent changes in the migratory flows in the Caribbean

In 2020, there were an estimated 859,400 intraregional and 745,700 extraregional immigrants living in Caribbean countries.  The intraregional share of migrants grew from 46% in 2000 to 56% in 2020.

The intraregional share and origins of immigrants vary across countries.  In the nine primary countries studied in the report—The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago—immigrants from other Caribbean nations made up 63 percent of all immigrants in 2020.  Intraregional migration was most common in countries such as the Dominican Republic, Barbados, and The Bahamas, and Haitians were by far the largest group of immigrants across these countries, followed by Guyanese.

Extraregional migration in the Caribbean

In some countries, there are notable populations of immigrants from outside the region.  Venezuelans represent the second largest immigrant population (after Haitians) across the nine countries analyzed and are present in particularly large numbers in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana.  Immigrants from the United States, the United Kingdom, China, and Canada were also present in many of these nine countries.
Intraregional migration in the Caribbean
Similar to patterns of migration worldwide, migrants within the Caribbean tend to originate in countries with lower standards of living and fewer opportunities, moving to more advanced economies with more employment opportunities.  As such, countries and territories with thriving tourism industries and higher incomes, such as The Bahamas, the British and U.S. Virgin Islands, the Turks and Caicos Islands, and Saint Kitts and Nevis, tend to attract nationals from Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, and Jamaica.  Moreover, a smaller number of high-skilled workers from countries such as Jamaica, Cuba, and Trinidad and Tobago tend to migrate to countries where they will have greater employment opportunities and receive higher incomes.
The impact of climate change and natural disasters on migration in the Caribbean
Climate change and natural disasters have been important drivers of internal, intraregional, and extraregional displacement in the Caribbean, and experts have expressed concerns that the frequency and impact of climate-related events are only likely to grow in the years to come.  In recent decades, the region has experienced several devastating hurricanes, which are likely the most impactful type of natural disaster in the region, in addition to earthquakes, tropical storms, floods, and drought, all of which have forced people to leave their homes.  These disasters are among the contributing factors to the increased migration of Caribbean nationals, particularly Haitians, to both South and North America.
Regional frameworks and institutions that facilitate mobility
Regional agreements and other forms of cooperation have also emerged as prominent features of mobility in the region.  As an example, under CARICOM’s Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME), nationals of CSME Member States benefit from six-month stays without a visa in other Community countries.  While these six-month stays do not come with work authorization, the CSME also includes a Skills Certificates regime that provides free mobility and works authorization for specific categories of workers.

Additionally, the region’s public university system, the University of the West Indies, has facilitated migration for educational purposes, mainly within the anglophone Caribbean.

Challenges for a stronger regional integration

The region’s unique free mobility regimes have, to some extent, helped facilitate the movement of displaced people and response workers during times of environmental crisis.  Yet a closer look at the Caribbean’s migratory systems indicates that, in most of the countries included in the study, these regimes are out of date, and this limits societies’ capacity to manage migration and successfully integrate new immigrants.

Diaspora engagement: An opportunity for the development of the Caribbean

A final, crucial dimension of migration policy in the Caribbean is diaspora engagement in efforts to further the region’s economic development.  Emigrants and their descendants are well-recognized for their role in channeling much-needed financial support to their families in the Caribbean through remittances, but their engagement with their countries of origin or ancestry can also take the form of business development and job creation, direct investment, and the strengthening of social and professional networks.  Moreover, the Caribbean diaspora has contributed to the region via the transfer of knowledge and skills, including through targeted initiatives that seek to counter the decades-old problem of brain drain.
As Caribbean nations continue to face important migration and development challenges, dialogue through the region’s established institutions provides a path towards adapting Caribbean migratory systems, while ensuring that migration policies account for the concerns of sending and receiving countries.

Friday, January 27, 2023

The Bahamas Immigration Minister Keith Bell resists United Nations - UN call to suspend deportations to Haiti as Haiti's crisis deepens

The Bahamas Immigration Minister Keith Bell resists UN call to suspend deportations to Haiti as situation spirals out of control

“Haiti has political instability, economic deprivation, and complete social collapse.  So you are talking about a myriad of challenges and problems.  That problem can only be addressed at the international level and so it isn’t a matter of frustration

Bahamian Immigration Minister Keith Bell
DESPITE calls from United Nations officials to suspend deportations to Haiti, Immigration Minister Keith Bell said The Bahamas has “a job to do” to ensure that officials protect the country for Bahamians.

The Bahamas is facing an influx of Haitian migrants.  However, United Nations Secretary General António Gutierrez on Monday called on governments to consider halting deportations as the situation there spirals out of control

Speaking on the sideline of a Labour on the Campus event, Mr Bell recognised the duty of the secretary general, but made it clear what the government has to do.

“The United Nations obviously they seek to ensure that there is harmony, there’s unity among all nations, so obviously that is his job.  We in The Bahamas have a job to do to ensure that we protect The Bahamas for Bahamians.  It’s as simple as that.  The Bahamas as all governments have consistently said we cannot absorb these persons who come in The Bahamas illegally,” he said.

“If you want to come to The Bahamas as a tourist or want to work, then there is a process.  If you follow that process, you may be granted access to The Bahamas.

“If you come here illegally and unlawfully, then, of course, there has to be swift justice.  We will not tolerate, nor will we support reasonably anyone coming into The Bahamas from undocumented or illegal means you will stay in the jurisdiction you will be deported.”

He also shared doubts that The Bahamas would sign on to provisions allowing for free movement when asked about CARICOM’s freedom of movement or labour within the region.

“I know you’re talking about a treaty – I think the Treaty of Chaguaramas and the (free) movement of people through the Caribbean.  The government of The Bahamas, both PLP and FNM, has consistently not signed on to those specific provisions.  I do not foresee in the very far future that we’re going to support a free movement throughout this country of anyone.”

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said the crisis in Haiti poses a substantial threat to The Bahamas due to an increase in irregular migration.

He spoke earlier this week at the opening session of the heads of summit meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

During his remarks, Mr Davis stated: “With the support and leadership of Haiti, collectively, we can, through CELAC and other regional organisations, help Haitians build a path out of crisis.”

Asked if there was frustration with the international community over addressing Haiti’s issues, the labour minister listed some of the factors that needed to be considered when helping countries.

“I will not say it there is frustration and you would have seen all around the world where first world developed countries, superpowers go into these countries where they need help — where there is a genocide or there is this civil war and the like.  When you go into these countries you have to ensure first of all, what is your objective?  What are the objectives of you going in?  And what would be your exit strategy?

“Haiti has political instability, economic deprivation, and complete social collapse.  So you are talking about a myriad of challenges and problems.  That problem can only be addressed at the international level and so it isn’t a matter of frustration.

“It’s just a matter of how we’re going to address these issues and challenges and then determine how we can help, but Haiti has 12 million people, The Bahamas cannot under no circumstance, support any illegal and unlawful entry of persons from Haiti and that has extended to Cuba where we’ve had an exponential growth in illegal migrants coming from that country. We will not tolerate it.”

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Bahamas Prime Minister, Philip Davis addresses The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States - CELAC on the growing challenges which threaten the safety, security and undermine the pursuit for economic dignity in the region

The economic and security challenges we face are great, and we welcome CELAC’s initiatives to strengthen cooperation in facing them.  Collaboration makes us stronger, and leads to faster and more durable solutions

Bahamas Prime Minister, Philip 'Brave' Davis
Buenos Aires, Argentina - January 24, 2023 - Colleagues: Over the past several years, the Covid-19 pandemic compounded the complex problems we already faced, including climate change, economic inequality, and increasing threats to democratic values and human rights. 

These growing challenges threaten our safety and security and undermine our pursuit for economic dignity. 

Every one of our citizens deserves the right to experience the joys of family life, to do meaningful work, and to live lives full of purpose.

When we gather in regional meetings like this one, we must make sure that our debates and agreements concerning infrastructure and institutions always prioritize results that make a difference at the level of individual families.  People must come first.  And until doors of opportunity are open for all, we cannot rest. 

Climate Change 

Colleagues: Rising sea levels pose an existential threat to my country.  In 2019, a Category 5 storm devastated two of our main islands. 

We are not and have never been the polluters, yet we suffer from the greatest vulnerabilities caused by carbon emissions. 

Our debt burden remains high, in significant part due to these climate risks, including the need to regularly rebuild homes, businesses and infrastructure after devasting hurricanes.  Our cost of borrowing also prices in the risk of future hurricanes; we are already paying a high price for the intensifying weather patterns of tomorrow.

We urgently need the developed countries to honour their commitments to compensate for the Loss and Damage associated with climate change.  And in order to build resiliency, we urgently need finance and access to technology. 

Each of our countries must keep the pledges we’ve made, in this and other settings, to reduce our own emissions.  We have seen glimpses of a future we cannot survive; we must change course, or perish. It is that simple. 

Regional Peace and Security

Colleagues: Democracy cannot be taken for granted; it is a commitment that must be continually renewed.  Just over two weeks ago, a violent mob stormed government buildings in Brazil in an effort to overturn the outcome of free and fair elections. 

I reiterate the solidarity of The Bahamas, and CARICOM, with President Lula de Silva and the Government of Brazil, and our unwavering commitment to democracy and rule of law. 

The scenes in Brasilia uncomfortably echoed those just a few years ago in Washington, DC.  Political violence, in all its forms, must be condemned anywhere in the Americas. 


Colleagues: The crisis in Haiti is getting worse.  The tragic situation there continues to pose a substantial threat not only to Haitians, but also to The Bahamas and neighbouring countries, all of whom are experiencing a significant increase in irregular and often dangerous migration. 

With the support and leadership of Haiti, collectively, we can, through CELAC and other regional organizations, help Haitians build a path out of crisis.

We commend Haitian-led efforts to hold elections before the end of 2023, to arrest the threat to public security posed by violent gangs, to relieve hunger and malnutrition, and to alleviate the political crisis. 

Enhanced regional partnership can especially help to scale up capacity-building for the local police, and tackle trafficking, particularly in people, contraband and guns. 

These Haiti-led solutions provide promising alternatives to the usual inclination to carry out activities in Haiti without Haitian direction, and the preference for investing in the strengthening of the NGOs in Haiti, as opposed strengthening her public institutions. 

Extra-Regional Partnerships 

In terms of the wider region, the economic and security challenges we face are great, and we welcome CELAC’s initiatives to strengthen cooperation in facing them.  Collaboration makes us stronger, and leads to faster and more durable solutions.

International Obstacles to National Development 

And even while we pursue national development, other international partners pursue policies which harm our progress.  The Bahamas will continue to voice its displeasure with the discriminatory practice of the blacklisting of countries.  I invite you to join us. 

We will also continue to advocate against the unfair use of GDP per capita to determine how or if developing countries, in vulnerable developing regions, qualify for reasonable concessionary financing or grants.

The use of the Multi-Vulnerability Index in assessing eligibility for help, rather than the blunt, outdated measurement of GDP per capita is a fairer measurement.  I invite you to join us in advocating for mutual agreement of alternative eligibility criteria for international financing and Overseas Development Assistance.

Summit Declaration 

Colleagues: Dialogue is important; collaborative solutions cannot be built without it.  But talk is not sufficient.  The work we do here must translate into tangible benefits for our citizens.  Let us share a determination to make each meeting, and each conversation, a stepping stone to real progress for people.


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Bahamas Prime Minister Philip 'Brave' Davis brings focus on Illegal migration and gun trafficking to meeting with US Vice President Kamala Harris

The United States reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening partnerships with The Bahamas, and the nations and peoples of The Caribbean

As Chairman of CARICOM, the Bahamian Prime Minister believes it is important for the United States and other partners in the hemisphere to support Haitian-led efforts to stabilize that country and find a path forward out of crisis

The Bahamas Prime Minister Philip 'Brave' Davis meets and US Vice President Kamala Harris meets
Washington, DC - January 17, 2023 – Prime Minister Philip 'Brave' Davis met earlier today with US Vice President Kamala Harris at The White House to discuss a number of issues facing The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean region.

The United States reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening partnerships with The Bahamas, and the nations and the people of The Caribbean.

In discussing items relating to our bilateral relationship, the Prime Minister and the Vice President emphasized the importance of both strengthening efforts to combat illegal maritime migration and reducing the flow of guns illegally entering The Bahamas from the United States.

The Prime Minister also raised the importance of reinstating pre-clearance facilities in Grand Bahama, a critical step to support the island’s economic recovery.

The discussion widened to cover a number of regional issues, including food and energy security, and efforts to combat climate change.

As Chairman of CARICOM, the Prime Minister believes it is important for the United States and other partners in the hemisphere to support Haitian-led efforts to stabilize that country and find a path forward out of crisis.


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has serious concerns about the continuing deterioration of the security situation and the social circumstances in the Republic of Haiti

The continued breakdown of law and order in Haiti and its miserable impact on the Haitian people

The Haitian unrest is having a negative impact on the already weak economy of Haiti - leading to even more mass demonstrations.  Especially the worsening social conditions and the limited availability of food require urgent and immediate attention from the international community

Haitian Unrest
The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is gravely concerned by the continuing deterioration of the security situation and the social circumstances in the Republic of Haiti.

The continued breakdown in law and order, and its distressing effect on the people of Haiti, is intensifying.  The fraught situation is exacerbated by the inability of the Haitian security forces to address the ongoing violence.

The unrest is having a negative impact on the already weak economy leading to even more mass demonstrations.  Especially the worsening social conditions and the limited availability of food require urgent and immediate attention from the international community.

This persistently distressing situation is untenable, and CARICOM calls for all stakeholders to engage meaningfully with the aim to find a way forward and to put country first and address the situation urgently.

CARICOM, following discussions in the past weeks, remains available to assist and work with international partners to mobilize financial and technical resources to facilitate a process towards normalization and ultimately the holding of free, fair and credible general elections.

Georgetown, Guyana

19 September 2022


Thursday, September 15, 2022



By Professor Gilbert Morris

Map of The Caribbean
The beauty of the Caribbean is a distortion field. There are few places in the world where nature displays her moving panoply as agreeably as the CARIBBEAN.
Mottled green and iridescent blue waters, swirling into creamy dreamscape freckled with evergreen pastoral nodes: islands, cays, islets…are an immediate thrill to the senses.

However, when travelling within and across the Caribbean, this tapestry of loveliness aforementioned, gives way first to stupidity, then cruelty, then demotic idiocies.

In fact and effect, travelling within and across the Caribbean reveals our self-abnegation: our careless disregard for each other, in the exhibition of which, it seems, there is no inconvenience or unconscionable stupidity we won’t impose on each other because of our utter lack of process intelligence.

Process intelligence is the knowledge of logistics, people movement and processing, to prevent triage or cascades; essentially the [sic] of a logistics process.

Countries with population, weather, elevation (mountains), languages (4-5 minimum) and currency…have little choice but to develop process intelligence. So Singapore and Hong Kong are small spaces with relatively large populations. Yet they can move 100,000 people through a process in 7 minutes. Jamaica, India and Brazil have large populations relatively speaking…in large spaces and yet are horrendous as processing people.

100,000 people may take two days. (Though, I confess, Jamaica learned something after its devastatingly barbarous start to airport throughput management during the first 5 months of COVID 19).

We encounter our own indulgence in cruelty in the manner in which we designed our cut n’ paste airports largely for planeing and deplaneing flights. Tourists come for the Sun, yet their flights are parked conveniently, 30 seconds from the arrival halls. But locals - more likely to be professionals, dressed for business - must walk 1000 meters in the blistering Sun, to enter an unfumigated, often frowsy, hot plane and sit as operators go casually about their inefficient paper-laden process; asking each other questions in bewilderment about things they do as routine every day…as they themselves sweat like feral Goats!

I flew from Jamaica to Providenciales, to Nassau. This was the “valley of the shadow of death”. Listen: there was not one single element or option or pretence of convenience in the entire trip. Rain or shine, you walk outside like herded Yaks. Some airports still retain the idiotic, absolutely useless processes which they copycatted after 911; such as removing one’s shoes and separating one’s laptops. We understand the regulations for entering America…that’s a different issue. But to impose these waste-of-time procedures (NO ONE UNDERSTANDS) for inter-island travel in the region is demonstrably ridiculous. No country in this region has the analytics to assess a laptop or shoes or a tub of Shea-butter!

One could understand if we eliminated the other logistical inconveniences and kept the ones we copied slavishly from America. But keeping both without regard to the suffering imposed on our own people travelling is demotic.

Once you’ve walked 1000 meters in the Sun, sweating like a mountain goat, and entered the barbecue pit which is the plane, the flights are quite comfy and the staff are sweet and lovely…not to mention to [sic] views out the window. But in my case…cause God mistook me for Job…sat next to me was a sweet lady. She had a TELEVISION…an entire flatscreen television…covering the window at our seat. She had one bag under the seat which appeared large enough to have three dead people in it. And another bag in her lap with enough bottles of lotion to moisturise all of Trinidad. When I sat…she said in the greatest understatement since Jesus shocked the Pharisees: “it’s kinda jam up”. “Indubitably” was my quite reply.

Once one lands in Providenciales…you walk back to Jamaica…that how long is the walk to the transit lounge.

WAIT! What am I talking about…THERE IS NO TRANSIT LOUNGE!

There is an accidental hallway, with a luggage scanner jammed into it like scaffolding in an elevator…and passengers - in the most cruel and unconscionable process of my entire trip - must stand outside on the tarmac, in the Sun…and wait for the door to the pit of hell to be opened. Old people, women with little children…all must stand there as if waiting outside a one toilet outhouse.

It is wrong and must be changed immediately…it is below TCI to allow such a thing.

Additionally, this process is utterly brainless. You leave Jamaica or Dominican Republic, you’ve passed through security with all the useless, idiotic processes…you deplane for transit and must have your handhelds scanned again, for what: the Bazooka you bought in duty free?

Once you make it into the departure lounge - your spleen and patience stretched to the limit - there aren’t enough seats, the air is stale, everything costs $11 dollars…and they’ve rented out every corner of the departure lounge like a ghetto fairground for retail tourist trap shops!

Then…you are marched out to walk in the Sun…the 40 years in the wilderness to find the land of Canaan, to get to the plane.

Again, the flight is pleasant the staff are sweet and lovely and the views are divine…except for the mattress sized TV in my case!

One lands at Nassau and the torture begins anew: mainly you must walk to Gethsemane, across the isles of Patmos, down Berma Road to get to immigration. I denounce this as idiocy, cruelty and stupidity. Why should you suffer thus in your own country with a design so clueless about human comfort?

Whether is supposed to spur innovation. Denmark has bad weather, as does Finland, Sweden, Switzerland so that motivated them toward innovation as a means of cultivating comfort. We seem to just copy form anywhere (mostly Fort Lauderdale for Jesus sake), and force ourselves into their designs, which anticipates NOTHING about our actual lives.


If cooling the plane and gangways is expensive…why isn’t that our first innovation with solar power to ensure comfort and convenience in planeing and deplaneling?

In principle, the hotter it is outside, the cooler the gangway and the plane would be, without adding to energy costs!

It’s specific, measurable, small scale and if it works, everyone would copy us….AND I LIKE THAT!

During COVID I travelled to Dubai. Upon landing, there must have been 20-30,000 people from the various arrivals.

In minutes the airport lines were gone!


Cause dey fast?

Their hands don’t move any faster than ours.

No! They did something before they built the airport: they committed to eliminating lines as part of an ambition to build a spectacular airport in which the first consideration was HUMAN COMFORT!

How can we claim to be hospitality destinations when domestic and inter-Caribbean travel is wretched, stupid, cruel and demotic?

“Charity begins…”, y’all been to Sunday school….!

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The current and often imperceptible relationships between Caribbean island communities and the environment

Climatic Change in The Caribbean
The dramatic fate of the Indigenous Caribbean peoples and cultures in the wake of European invasion and colonization threatened the Indigenous systems of knowledge that would otherwise have been passed down from generation to generation to help manage the cyclical impacts of climate change.

Resilient Caribbean Communities: A Long-Term Perspective on Sustainability and Social Adaptability to Natural Hazards in the Lesser Antilles

The detrimental effects of coastal degradation and the very real possibility of instant devastation caused by hurricanes that are increasing in frequency and strength are telling signs of the menace that the Caribbean islands and islanders face.

Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, 2333 CC Leiden, The Netherlands
Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV/KNAW), 2311 BE Leiden, The Netherlands
Independent Researcher, Touna Aute 00109-8000, Kalinago Territory, Commonwealth of Dominica
Independent Researcher, Kalinago Community, Kingstown VCO120, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Academic Editors: Michelle J. LeFebvre, Jon M. Erlandson and Scott M. Fitzpatrick
Sustainability 202113(17), 9807;
Received: 14 July 2021 / Revised: 17 August 2021 / Accepted: 27 August 2021 / Published: 31 August 2021


Caribbean islands, like other Small Island Developing States (SIDS), are at the center of the vulnerability debate as current climatic trends predict elevated sea levels and increased frequency of storms, leading to significant challenges for local communities.  Caribbean islanders have been exposed to climatic challenges since the initial occupation of the archipelago between five to eight thousand years ago. 

They have been continually confronted with severe droughts, tropical cyclones, extreme wave events, sea-level changes, and the accompanying impacts.  The various phenomena have stimulated island residents both to anticipate and respond to such events; adapting their lifestyles and socio-cultural and political structures and ties across the region over time. 

In this article, we innovatively combine archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data with longitudinal coastal-erosion data and ethnographic data to further develop and promote sustainable local strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and increasingly frequent and violent weather events on small-island settings. 

To find proxies, we first look into the region’s pre-colonial archaeological record.  Second, we delve into predictive modeling and the current and future climatic challenges for heritage sites and local coastal communities, as well as related collaborative heritage mitigation efforts.  Third, we discuss the contribution of traditional knowledge practices to climate change adaptation.  The results show how the long-term perspective and multidisciplinary approach adopted here may lead to realistic solutions to seemingly intractable problems.  They also reveal how collaborative projects involving all stakeholders on an equal basis in all phases of research have become a top priority in climate change mitigation and heritage safeguarding.

1. Introduction
Islands represent a region imagined and re-imagined by outsiders throughout history.  The Caribbean islands, in particular, were continually exploited and shaped through external forces, such as island colonization, the colonial construction of their exoticism and abundance (leading to the pillaging of natural and social resources), and, currently, their characterization as idyllic tourism getaways.
More and more, these islands are coming to the forefront of climate change discussions, with the prevailing doomsday media frenzy focused on their sinking or disappearance [1].

Climate change will always be an unfair battle.  Despite contributing some of the lowest amounts of greenhouse gas emissions, the Caribbean islands are predicted to experience a range of effects due to their small size, limited resource base, growing populations, and relative isolation [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].
Often defined by their limitations or constraints, the islands of the Lesser Antilles display a clear vulnerability due to their small size [10,11,12,13,14].  According to recent research, SIDS are often the first to feel the impact of global economic policies, extreme weather events, and climate change (e.g., [6,15,16,17]).
As a majority of the Lesser Antilles has significant infrastructure in the coastal zone, particularly related to tourism, a global sea-level rise of 1 m—as predicted toward the end of the twenty-first century—will undoubtedly be impactful in terms of livelihood and gross domestic product (GDP).  For example, it is estimated that Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Kitts and Nevis will face adaptation costs ranging from 27% to 32% of their GDP [18].  These vulnerabilities, therefore, are not without reason.

However, current perceptions and research myopically position these islands, like all places around the globe, at the forefront of the disaster paradigm (see also [19]).  This is problematic, as it removes any chance for a global lesson on sustainability and, more importantly, resilience [20,21].
The rich archaeological record, historic accounts, present-day multivocality, and abundant biodiversity of the Caribbean, specifically of the Lesser Antilles [19,22,23], offer a different interpretation to share.

Originally occupied between eight and five thousand years ago by settlers from Central and South America, the islands of the Lesser Antilles (Figure 1) saw a second major migratory movement from the northeastern South American mainland around 2500 years ago [24,25,26,27].
Geological, palaeoecological, and archaeological data indicate that from the onset, Caribbean communities in the Lesser Antilles were confronted with extremely variable climatic conditions, including severe droughts and a high risk of floods and landslides caused by extreme weather events such as tropical storms and hurricanes, as well as earthquakes, volcanic action, major surges, and the continuous menace of sea-level fluctuations [28,29,30,31,32,33,34].
Such conditions have significantly altered the islands’ ecosystems over time, and have undoubtedly impacted Indigenous lifeways (e.g., [35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46]).
To improve safety in times of austerity and climatic challenge, the locally and regionally established circuits of mobility and exchange would have been key, particularly due to the diversity of settlement locations, which enhanced diversification within the networks and strengthened existing social ties (e.g., [47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57]).  These safety networks were disrupted by the European invasion of 1492 [58].

Caribbean map

Figure 1. Map of the Caribbean with insert detail of the Lesser Antilles. (Map created by Menno Hoogland).

Though the Indigenous peoples certainly transmitted to the Europeans their local knowledge of how to handle the climatic hazards, such as hurricanes, the Europeans introduced their own lifestyles, which were not always suited to the local conditions or consistent with an understanding of the local environmental context and climatic variations.
The dramatic fate of the Indigenous Caribbean peoples and cultures in the wake of European invasion and colonization threatened the Indigenous systems of knowledge that would otherwise have been passed down from generation to generation to help manage the cyclical impacts of climate change (see also [38,59]).

After the Western colonial invasion, bringing people from Africa, Asia, and Europe to the Americas to work as exploited “laborers” alongside the remaining Indigenous peoples, massive deforestation and sharp population growth increased the pressure on natural resources and ecological systems [60,61].
The trans-sociocultural dynamics between Indigenous, African, and mixed descendants since colonial times are still reflected in today’s local knowledge practices and lifeways, including those informing perspectives on climate change response [62,63].

In the Caribbean Lesser Antilles, deforestation, sand-mining operations, an increase in extreme weather events, and a dependency on tourism with inherently high ecological costs have all produced environmental impacts as well as social change comparable to other regions of the world (e.g., [64,65,66]).
These effects have influenced the natural physical protection, local economies, land, homes, fisheries, agriculture, local traditions, and people’s heritage [59,67,68,69].
Mitigation and adaptive planning measures are a top priority to safeguard these coastal environments and livelihoods, and to avoid the further and irreversible loss of the archaeological record and often unwritten histories.
Understanding the role of heritage and community is key to incorporating long-term processes of social adaptability to climatic challenges and of resilience (see also [35,38,42]).
The Kalinago and Garifuna communities of the Windward Islands, who in recent years have been severely impacted by the devastating effects of Hurricane Maria (2017), the eruption of the La Soufrière volcano on Saint Vincent (2021) (Figure 2), and other social threats, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, rely heavily—like other Indigenous and local communities—on traditional knowledge practices for adapting to such crises and building resilience for a sustainable future (e.g., [38,70,71,72]).

Climate Impact on the Caribbean

Figure 2. (a,b) Impact of the eruptions of the La Soufrière volcano (2021) on the livelihoods of the Kalinago in Sandy Bay, Saint Vincent; (c) damage to the Kalinago Territory, Dominica, in the wake of Hurricane Maria (2017). (Photos by Irvince Auguiste, Augustine Sutherland, Marvin Pierre, Raydon May, and Danroy Thomas.).

Therefore, in this article, we adopt a long-term perspective and a multidisciplinary approach combining research from archaeology, palaeoenvironmental studies, cultural heritage, and ethnohistory/ethnography to examine the current and often imperceptible relationships between Caribbean island communities and the environment in these case studies [70,73,74].
With insights from the past, island climate responses can provide valuable information for contemporary societies that must cope with similar challenges [75,76].  Furthermore, remembering the historic marginalization of these islands also reveals that the vanishing island is a notion with a historical precedent [77,78].
We first discuss archaeological case studies from the Mid- to Late Holocene in the Lesser Antilles that provide a clear indication of how its early settlers adapted to the environmental challenges with which they were confronted, and what lessons can be learned from the past.
Second, we address the current and future challenges of climatic impacts on archaeological sites and local coastal communities - highlighting a case study of collaborative mitigation efforts in Saint Kitts.
Third, we share the experiences and knowledge practices, which were passed down from generation to generation, by co-authors Irvince Auguiste and Augustine (Sardo) Sutherland, Kalinago from Dominica and Saint Vincent.  These relate how they have adapted to the natural hazards that have recently threatened their respective livelihoods.
It is, however, crucial to treat and use this information respectfully and in accordance with human rights and international law surrounding the global climate change debate [79].
Finally, we conclude by discussing the benefit of multidisciplinary and collaborative projects for the safeguarding of SIDS’ and other coastal environments, archaeological sites, and livelihoods [80,81,82].
Further, we propose community engagement, co-creation, and the exchange of usable knowledge for fostering and enhancing historical awareness, appraisal, protections, and preservation as the best solution for developing sustainable heritage safeguarding.

2. Methodology

Working together with local stakeholders in all case studies, we combined data from archaeology, paleoenvironmental studies, cultural heritage, and ethnohistory/ethnography.
The archaeological and paleoenvironmental data were collected during (rescue) excavations in the Lesser Antilles between 1995 and 2015 by a team from Leiden University, the Netherlands, in collaboration with local stakeholders.
As the sites were threatened by either natural or human impacts or both, rescue interventions were necessary for both the well-being of the communities and their rich cultural heritage.

Observations concerned the resilience of precolonial inhabitants to severe weather events, and special attention was paid to the sustainability of their living conditions, particularly house-building and settlement organization.
The team collected palaeoenvironmental data during excavations at two sites (Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe and Anse Trabaud, Martinique), in collaboration with colleagues from the Free University of Amsterdam (VU) in the first case and the Université des Antilles and University of Amsterdam (UvA) in the second.
In the case of Anse à la Gourde, oxygen isotopic studies on terrestrial molluscs (Bulimulus guadalupensis) were performed to study the climatic conditions over time [28].
Predictive modeling was used both at the archaeological site of Morel (Guadeloupe) and in the case study of contemporary Saint Kitts to record longitudinal coastal-erosion processes.
In the case of Morel, this was done by carrying out a topographic survey and using aerial photography and satellite imagery [83].
In the case of Saint Kitts, we used satellite imagery and the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) [84], a freely available ArcGIS plugin provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
We extracted shoreline vectors from LANDSAT MSS, TM, ETM, and OLI-TIRS imagery.  To understand the results of this environmental coastal change from the perspective of the individuals living there, a survey and in-depth interviews were conducted in the case study area (see [19] for the reporting of these).  Moreover, in order to understand and highlight contemporary local community responses, the participation of and collaboration with the Kalinago communities in Dominica and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were central to each step of this research in order to highlight the important role of traditional knowledge and Indigenous responses to climate-related, and other, crises.

3. Lessons to Be Learned from the Past: Evidence from the Mid-to Late Holocene

The first Mid- to Late Holocene campsites—and ultimately larger permanent settlements—were often, though not exclusively, located on the islands’ coasts and lagoons and in mangrove areas [25,40,55].
Apart from the fact that these habitation sites are susceptible in terms of climate vulnerability, the long-term changing coastal dynamics have impeded their archaeological visibility and distorted its historical reality [85].
The absence of early Archaic Age sites in the Windward Islands may, for example, be explained by increased sea levels over the past millennia, or by changes in coastal configurations due to extreme weather events that led to the disappearance or submergence of sites [42,43,86,87,88,89,90].
Recent archaeological research has shown that climatic variation, coastal erosion, and repeated flooding and heavy droughts must have had significant impacts on pre-colonial settlement locations, organization, and house-building activities [37,42,43,46,85].
Hurricane-proof shelters have been documented throughout the pre-colonial Caribbean during the Ceramic Age (400 cal. BC–cal. AD 1500).  These structures could be repaired rapidly after a disaster, since only light construction, such as roofing and walls, would need to be replaced [46].
Windbreaks were sometimes attached to the houses, offering protection against the prevailing northeast trade winds and heavy rains to the entrances and the activity areas of the houses.
The main posts of the individual structures have been found to be very sturdy and dug deeply into the ground, fixed with large slabs or dug into the bedrock, providing strong support for the roof-bearing posts, with an outer wall construction sometimes made only of large posts, but occasionally from alternating large and small posts [46,54,91].

The site of Anse à la Gourde (cal. AD 500–1450) is located on the Pointe des Chateaux peninsula of northeastern Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe, an area that is particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events.
Paleoenvironmental data have shown that in the past, this region has been exposed to severe climatic variations, with several relatively wet and dry periods, coinciding with its different phases of occupation [28,42].
Alternate periods of flood and drought, continuous sea-level rise, and coastal erosion have led to internal relocation of the settlement during its four successive phases of occupation [42,54,92] (Figure 3).
A shift in the reef barrier, connected with sea-level changes, necessitated the gradual retreat of habitation towards higher settlement grounds.
During the earliest occupation phase (cal. AD 500–700/800), there existed a beach barrier with a low-salinity lagoon behind established mangrove forests.  The village was situated on the shore of this brackish water lagoon, between 50 and 100 m south of the Atlantic littoral.
Unfortunately, a large part of the settlement from that time has been lost to the sea. 
In approximately cal. AD 800, a rise in the sea level resulted in the breakdown of the coastal barrier as well as the progressive salinization of the lagoon.  In response, the inhabitants moved toward the newly formed elevated dunes.
This process continued over a period of centuries, with the village moving farther and farther away from the littoral due to the continuing retreat of the coastline [42,54,93].
The last occupation phase of the settlement (cal. AD 1200–1450) was located on the highest elevations, with a fairly intact habitation area showing numerous round and oval house structures with more than eighty burials.
To withstand the force of extreme weather events, the posts of the houses were also anchored deeply into the bedrock or secured with large slabstones (Figure 4).

Environmental Change in the Caribbean
Figure 3. (Re)construction of the coastal changes and gradual retreat of the Indigenous settlement based on paleoclimatic research from Beets et al. 2006 [28]. (Adapted from Hofman and Hoogland 2015 [42]; image created by Menno Hoogland).
Caribbean archaeological site

Figure 4. Examples of postholes at the archaeological site of Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe showing the resilience of building techniques. Some of the posts were dug deep into the bedrock; others were secured with slabs. (Photos by Corinne Hofman and Menno Hoogland).

A similar case of settlement relocation was observed at the semi-contemporaneous multi-component site of Anse Trabaud (cal. AD 700–1200), which is situated in the southeastern part of Martinique.  It is located on a tombolo that comprises a number of successive beach barriers and connects a small island to the mainland of Martinique.
The area is heavily susceptible to extreme weather events, and the peninsula of Pointe Baham shows the most convincing evidence for sudden storms in this area [43].
The change in landscape from an open beach setting to a closed mangrove forest, potentially driven by a storm event, required a reorganization of offshore/near-shore water currents.
Between the tombolo and the mainland, a shallow lagoon with mangrove vegetation has formed.  The archaeological stratigraphy in the mangrove area shows a thick layer of sediment with a succession of compact marine sand layers caused by tidal and other dynamics in the mangrove area.
A reduction zone between 0.5 m and 1.80 m is present, with extremely well-preserved organic materials due to excessive moisture in the sediment.
It is hypothesized that the inhabitants of Anse Trabaud adapted to the gradually rising sea level by moving to the outer and higher beach barriers over time [43,89].
The earliest inhabitants (cal. AD 700–900) may have lived in stilt houses built around a lagoon.  A limited number of posthole features in the moist layers confirm the presence of structures in the area. 
Stilt houses have also been documented at the site of Los Buchillones in north-central Cuba, dating to cal. AD 1250–1500, which today is situated 150 m out into the sea [94].
At this site, the mahogany posts of the stilt houses were dug up to 1.70 m deep into a lagoon deposit; these may have offered resistance to hurricanes and other extreme weather events, floods, and gradual sea-level rise.
Starch grain and phytolith analysis of the Anse Trabaud archaeobotanical assemblage has provided unique insight into changes in food procurement, production, and consumption during periods of environmental transformation and harsh climate [43].
Due to the waterlogged conditions at both Anse Trabaud and Los Buchillones, organic materials, such as wood, gourd fragments, seeds, diatoms, and starch grains, have been extremely well preserved [43,89,94,95,96].

4. The Impacts of Natural Crises on Archaeological Sites and Current Coastal Communities: Present and Future Challenges

The detrimental effects of coastal degradation and the very real possibility of instant devastation caused by hurricanes that are increasing in frequency and strength are telling signs of the menace that the Caribbean islands and islanders face.
Irma’s total destruction of Barbuda, Saint Martin/Sint Maarten, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico; Maria’s devastation of Dominica in September 2017; and Dorian’s incursion into The Bahamas in 2019 all happened in a matter of hours, though the havoc they wreaked will be felt for years.
Extreme weather and storm events continue to affect shorelines in terms of submerging, covering, severely eroding, and/or eradicating coastal archaeological sites [35,39,45,85,97,98].
The dramatic impact of such events on the archaeological record and cultural heritage of the Caribbean is often accelerated due to adverse human impacts arising from uncontrolled construction activities, sand mining, and looting (e.g., [35,68,97,99]).
As suggested above, the almost complete absence of Archaic Age sites in the Windward Islands, several of the Virgin Islands, Jamaica, and The Bahamas may partially be the result of these impacts too.  For example, at the site of Morel (300 cal. BC–cal. AD 1400), located on the exposed northeastern coast of Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe, a change in coastline of 60 m was noted between 1948 and 2020 based on a topographic survey in 1993, aerial photographs, and satellite images.
The damage to the coastal landscape was accompanied by the loss of a large portion of the archaeological deposits [83] (Figure 5).  Rescue excavations at the site in collaboration with the local partners of the Service Régional de l’Archéologie (SRA) between 1993 and 1999 uncovered an archaeological layer with numerous human and dog burials dating to the earliest Ceramic Age occupation of the site.
Sand mining and looting, especially after the archaeological deposits were laid bare as a result of Hurricane Luis in 1995, have accelerated the deterioration of the site (Figure 6).  The site has continued to lose surface, and the context of the remaining deposits has been reduced to a minimum.

Caribbean coastline erosion

Figure 5. Retreat of the coastline recorded through topographical survey data at the archaeological site of Morel on Grande-Terre, Guadeloupe in 1993, and from aerial and satellite images made in 1948 and 2020. (Image created by Menno Hoogland).

Archaeological sites Caribbean
Figure 6. (a) Archaeological deposits at the site of Morel laid bare after Hurricane Luis (1995); (b) excavation of pot stag; (c) salvage of burial in beach rock. (Photos by Corinne Hofman and Menno Hoogland).

A similar situation occurred at the site of Anse Lavoutte (cal. AD 1000–1500) in northeastern Saint Lucia.  This well-known site, researched by the Bullens and the Saint Lucia Archaeological and Historical Society (SLAHS) in the 1960s and 70s [100], has been subject to heavy erosion due to a retreating coastline and slope wash, causing archaeological materials to be continuously exposed.
In 2007, Hurricane Dean laid bare numerous burials and the area was left unprotected, with cars and horses trampling the remains on a daily basis.
The construction of a hotel on the bay has accelerated the changes in the landscape. During rescue excavations at the site in collaboration with the Saint Lucia government and SLAHS in 2009, human remains and archaeological materials brought to the surface were salvaged [68,97,101].
A recent assessment of Anse Lavoutte, in the context of the area’s development for construction, has again attested to severe damage to the site.  However, despite its detrimental condition, it remains a key site of memory for the island(ers), and it is the opinion of the archaeologist who carried out the assessment, as of several Saint Lucian stakeholders, that this should be commemorated on the spot.
Similar situations revealing the destructive nature of catastrophic events on archaeological sites, such as sea-level rise and coastal erosion, are reported throughout the Caribbean (e.g., [30,35,39,97,102,103,104]).

The geopolitical setting of the Caribbean, marked by its complex colonial history, has resulted in varied and sometimes insufficient political awareness, environmental policies for building, and enforcement of heritage legislation to protect coastal infrastructure [105,106].


There is an urgent need to strengthen and implement existing heritage legislation, develop monitoring programs, and develop viable coastal-management plans throughout the region to manage and prevent further loss of the rich archaeological record and to help provide safety for current coastal communities [68,97,107,108].
This calls on cultural managers to find ways to utilize available data from coastal-management studies as well as to map the locations of known sites and create relevant inventories, highlighting those that are particularly in danger based on specific coastal studies of vulnerable areas.
The fragmented and complex colonial and current geopolitical histories of the Caribbean islands often make it difficult to raise local interest, to create and enforce heritage legislation, and for different agencies and bodies to work together effectively [19,97,107,108,109].
Notable exceptions include the French islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Martin, and Saint-Barthélemy (Départements d’Outre-Mer), where the European Malta Treaty (Valetta Convention) provides the legal framework for preventative archaeology and its funding (see also [110]).
The Dutch Caribbean islands of Saba, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten, Saba, Bonaire, Curacao, and Aruba now often work in the spirit of the Malta Treaty as well, although it is not implemented as effectively as in the French islands [109].
There are also interesting case studies emanating from various other SIDS or countries around the globe, which could provide useful guidance to the Caribbean (e.g., [111]).

Mitigation, Recovery, and Adaptation

Today, more and more studies present research on the intersection between cultural heritage and climate change, highlighting the absence of cultural heritage from global climate change adaptation and mitigation planning.
In the Caribbean, this is often more pronounced, as heritage is often seen as expendable [108].  However, in this research, we propose that heritage can actually determine how people respond, prepare, mitigate, recover, and adapt to environmental changes [112] through utilizing local ecological knowledge systems.  Considering heritage within climate change planning could have an important role to play in reducing vulnerability to the various natural and cultural processes prevalent in the region (see also [38,65]).

Between 2015 and 2017, we undertook a collaborative project with the government of Saint Kitts and community members to measure the impact of coastal erosion on the environment and livelihoods. 
On the Leeward side of the island, the villages are traditionally fishing villages with a rich archaeological record, such as the Indigenous settlements and petroglyphs at Carib Rock and Bloody River.
Tourism is limited, mainly concentrated on Brimstone Hill.  This area was chosen as a focus because stakeholders described the road leading from Challengers to Fig Tree as eroding into the sea [113], bringing the coastline villages precariously close to destruction.
Together with local partners, we determined that it was important to create a baseline management system to help policy makers and officials plan actions and next steps.  The baseline would include not only the actual state of the coastline, but would also capture perspectives on coastal erosion, as the intent was not only to help protect the archaeological heritage in the area but, above all, community livelihoods [19].

Due to the limited amount of data for the island of Saint Kitts, we used freely available satellite imagery and the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) [84], a freely available ArcGIS plugin provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), to measure coastal erosion in the study area.
First, we extracted shoreline vectors from the LANDSAT MSS, TM, ETM, and OLI-TIRS imagery for the years 1986, 1989, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2013, and 2015 (see Table 1). Given the high number of images with cloud coverage, creating a data set with regular time intervals proved impossible.

Table 1. Selected shoreline data, Saint Kitts.
Saint Kitts shoreline data
As part of this effort, we built a twenty-year period of shoreline dates (1986 to 2015) to align with the possible historical impacts of the thriving fishing communities (1988), the construction of Port Zante, a new twenty-seven-acre cruise-ship marina located at Basseterre (1996), Hurricane George (1998), and the end of the sugar cane industry (2005) [113] (120).
The year 2015 was selected as having the most recent cloud-free satellite image available at the time of study.  After shoreline extraction, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of each image was calculated to separate water pixels from land pixels [114,115,116].
The net shoreline movement (NSM) and end point rate (EPR) were calculated.  The NSM of the present case study is shown below (Figure 7).
The NSM determines the overall movement as either accretion or erosion.  The three highest NSMs for the aforementioned twenty-nine-year period were found to be in Village Group A (−75.13 m), Village Group D (−89.55 m), and Village Group E (−65.94 m).

Caribbean shorelines

Figure 7. Net Shoreline Movement (2006–2015) of the coastal villages, Saint Kitts. Figure created with the assistance of Julijan A. M. Vermeer (ERC Synergy NEXUS1492) [19].

Figure 7 presents the area’s NSM, which determines the overall movement (accretion or erosion) of a given area.  The three highest NSMs during the twenty-nine-year period were found to be in areas of Village Group A (−75.13 m), Village Group D (−89.55 m), and Village Group E (−65.94 m).  As these are all negative measures, this shows erosion has taken place.

The end point rate (EPR) for each transect is displayed graphically (see Figure 8).  Dark blue represents the most negative rates of erosion, and green represents positive rates of accretion.
Erosion is concentrated in Village Groups A, B, and D, indicated by means of high negative EPR values.  Only one point of accretion is found in Village Group A, indicated by a positive EPR value.  This positive value may be related to the position of the natural high and low tides on the island and the island’s point.
The mean calculated EPR for the villages of Sandy Point, Halfway Tree, Old Road, and Challengers have a rate of more than −3.0 m over the twenty-nine-year period (1986–2015).  Such a high rate could present an even more serious public safety issue for daily life during extreme storm events.  Based on these results, coastal erosion has occurred in this area for the given period.

Coastal villages in The Caribbean

Figure 8. Visualized end point rate (2006–2015) of the coastal villages of Saint Kitts. Figure created with the assistance of Julijan A. M. Vermeer (ERC Synergy NEXUS1492) [19].

What remains to be seen is how these results reflected in quantitative data can impact the livelihoods and culture of the villagers.
A survey was administrated to 174 households in the case study area with the collaboration of local partner, Graeme Brown.  Additionally, 30 in-depth interviews were done with individuals living in the case study area (see [19]).
From the combined results of the survey and interviews, coastal erosion has led to adverse impacts on community livelihoods.  Natural resources (e.g., sea grass beds, fish) have declined due to the shoreline erosion.  Furthermore, social activities linked to the coast (e.g., bathing, swimming) have all been negatively affected, as there is less beach access so fewer people can go swimming together.
Taken together with the political and economic changes on the island of Saint Kitts, the eroding shoreline becomes more serious.  With declining fish catch, individuals are forced to look for other work that may not exist.  Social activities that were once a part of daily life decline without a replacement.  Building resilience in the face of coastline changes, in this case, does not mean reversing the coastline damage, per say, as that would be a continual battle.  Rather, it means considering how communities can build resilience in the face of natural or human-made changes for the better [19].

5. Traditional Knowledge in Response to Crisis and Building Resilience

The recent threats from Hurricane Maria in 2017 and the eruption of La Soufrière volcano in 2021 have had devastating effects on the livelihoods of the Kalinago and Garifuna on the islands of Dominica and Saint Vincent.
Dominica and Saint Vincent are among the most hazard-prone islands of the region, and the Kalinago and Garifuna Indigenous people, living in the more remote, less accessible Atlantic side of both islands, are heavily affected by natural hazards time and time again.
The Indigenous communities in the northeastern part of Saint Vincent, for example, have undergone several episodes of heavy flooding, extreme weather events, and volcanic eruptions over the past few decades [117].  As these communities often also face serious socio-economic problems and are mostly dependent on their natural environment, the climatic challenges are taking a toll on the well-being of the inhabitants of both islands, emphasizing the intricate link between fighting climate change and environmental justice [19,65].

Importantly, though, the Indigenous peoples of these islands, as well as Caribbean islanders in general, have been taking matters into their own hands and are prepared to monitor and adapt to climate change.  For example, on some islands, local communities have found ways of creating and maintaining intra- and interisland sociality to safeguard their livelihood in skillful ways [62].
As part of their relationship with the environment, the Kalinago and Garifuna communities have an in-depth understanding of the cyclical changes brought about by natural hazards, particularly because their environment is a source of sustenance and livelihood.  In addition, they have relied on their traditional knowledge and practices in relation to, for example, housing construction, farming practices, and methods of adapting to environmental changes, critical to their survival.
This awareness of or reliance on traditional knowledge systems has implications for food security, water management, and the understanding of changes in biodiversity.  All of these factors have implications for resilience in small island states within a vast ocean.
The Kalinago in Dominica, for example, have observed that both the devastation of Hurricane Maria (2017) and the COVID-19 pandemic (2020–2021) have created a strong consciousness within their communities in terms of the use of traditional knowledge.  Young people are seeking answers in construction practices, traditional practices, sustainable agriculture, and traditional medicine, recognizing that national governments might not and do not have all the right answers when responding to changes in their environment (see also [118]).

Irvince Auguiste (former chief of the Kalinago Territory in Dominica) and Sardo Sutherland (Kalinago from Sandy Bay, Saint Vincent) have highlighted that the use of local raw materials is acknowledged as an integral part of maintaining sustainability and how communities adapt and build resilience.  Traditional ways of constructing houses, for example setting up rafters and utilizing “jets” to anchor lumber, have proved beneficial in mitigating the impact of storms, and many modern houses now use this technique.
This means that many traditional houses still stand throughout the Kalinago Territory, although there is an increased desire to own houses constructed with cement in keeping with modern times, as a symbol of status, and with changing cultural practices.  However, it was noted that after Hurricane Maria, many traditional houses in general, not just those in the Kalinago Territory, had withstood the punishing winds of this strong hurricane.
This is also known from other SIDS, for example in the Pacific islands, where traditional houses (e.g., the Samoan fale), which are still used today by many people, are more resilient to high winds and storms than modern concrete structures (e.g., [119]).
In 2016, the Kalinago and Garifuna of Saint Vincent participated in the experimental reconstruction of the Argyle village site in Saint Vincent (Figure 9).  The village was built using information gleaned from the excavation of an early colonial Kalinago site by a team from Leiden University in collaboration with the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Trust, the Ministry of Culture, and the International Argyle Airport Development Company Ltd. [120,121].
The experimental reconstruction and the use of building materials were based on excavation data, ethnohistoric accounts from the seventeenth century, and the traditional knowledge of the Kalinago and Garifuna.  Despite the fact that the constructions have not been maintained since, and that cows have eaten and impacted the roofs, these houses all have endured several storms and ashfall from the recent volcanic eruption.

Archaeological data Caribbean

Figure 9. Experimental construction of a Kalinago roundhouse at Argyle, Saint Vincent in 2016, based on archaeological data from excavations at the site in 2009 and 2010; (a) configuration of an oval house (2016); (b) roof construction (2016); (c) finished oval house (2016); (d) overview of Argyle experimental village (2017); (e) decay of a round-house in 2019 (photos (ae) by Menno Hoogland); (f) decay of a round-house in 2021 (photo by Augustine Sutherland).

Knowledge regarding the environment is handed down orally, and specific information may be passed within or between families based on the activities practiced.  This is often the case with those who fish, farm, or construct: members of these descendant communities would speak of these knowledge bases passed down by elders.
Carpenters, for example, would construct residential structures in a specific way so as to deal with strong hurricane winds, and homeowners would prepare every June and July by adding extra support to the outsides of their houses and storing food from the harvest.  Meat and fish would be dried in large quantities in preparation for periods when agricultural fields might be damaged and food temporarily unavailable.

As environmental changes were communicated throughout the generations, elders stressed an awareness of the height and movement of the clouds, and specific attention was paid to certain trees to forecast whether winds would be strong and how to adapt accordingly.  The phases of the moon and other environmental changes would also signal potential periods of drought that would require preparation to manage properly.

Over several centuries, the Kalinago community of Saint Vincent, most recently impacted by the volcanic eruptions of La Soufrière, utilized the natural environment of the island’s mountains as a safe space where its members could seek shelter in the event of storms or eruptions.  Their “early warning systems” would be noted through environmental changes, and so communities paid close attention to the behavior of animals within the context of their natural environment.
If animals were fleeing from the mountains, communities would do the same, as this meant a volcanic eruption, and animals fleeing from the sea signaled changes at sea that required actions to ensure safety.
This is well-documented globally, where Indigenous knowledge is key to the well-being of communities before, during, and after natural disasters [122,123,124].
Further research, which could prove useful to the wider Vincentian population, would involve observing the specific local knowledge that could be integrated into the present scientific observation of volcanoes in order to develop specific mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Changes noted with regard to certain plants are also used as key environmental monitoring indicators, such as the blooming of the small wild onion for hurricanes and silk cotton seeds being linked to particularly stormy conditions.

The Kalinago have observed coastal change taking place, and even the disappearance of portions of their villages into the sea.  In these cases, settlements have been relocated and the stories of these places and what impacted them have been ingrained in local knowledge.
These actions have helped the Kalinago to utilize other adaptive practices to ensure that they had enough clean water, primarily through the use and burial of clay pots as catchments.
Through traditional knowledge passed down over the centuries, the Kalinago are also aware of safe places to go and obtain fresh water, even in the midst of an eruption.  In addition, while this is practiced less and less, the Kalinago of Saint Vincent utilize a cone-shaped roof in house construction to avoid the accumulation of debris that might affect the structure’s integrity.  Overall, both communities acknowledge that certain intangible elements are key to their sustainability and resilience, evidenced by community kinship ties that promote providing food for each other and rebuilding after a disaster through communal service.

6. Conclusions

What used to be referred to as future climate change impacts have now become reality in the Caribbean and other island states, with both long-term historical and short-term predictive models of climate change suggesting continued sea-level rise, an increase in temperatures, severe weather fluctuations, unpredictable precipitation patterns, stronger and more frequent tropical cyclones, and the threat of other natural hazards.  The recent hurricane seasons offer a stark reminder of this, and scientists anticipate that it will only get worse.

As highlighted in this paper, the Caribbean’s coastal areas are rich in heritage and livelihoods, with archaeological sites and a significant portion of the islands’ infrastructure.  Climate change will clearly impact these islands, as it will other SIDS on a global scale.  However, we have aimed to show that multiple scenarios can exist, and one of resilience is possible if action is taken to include island perspectives, rather than only measuring impacts.

A long-term perspective on social adaptation to climate challenges has proven beneficial in showing how peoples over time have developed sustainable strategies to these challenges, especially in the SIDS, where current viewpoints on climate change present only one version of how impacts will prove daunting to local communities.
The archaeological case studies have shown that reorganization of the settlement, building hurricane-proof shelters, and relocating villages accordingly, all present alternative options for social adaptability [37,42,46].  Additionally, past records prove that the extensive circuits of mobility and exchange that existed and still exist between communities in the Lesser Antilles, like in other island environments, play(ed) a major role in social cohesion and strengthening these social ties to help ensure survivability, and to effectively respond to catastrophes that may occur [43].

The case study of Saint Kitts has shown how the domain of environmental management research leads to beneficial results for archaeology, heritage, and the contemporary communities.  Creating a shoreline database from past to present has enabled predictions to be made about future shoreline change.  The ease of access to and use of the tools provided within this formulated model provide an excellent foundation from which to build coastal-management programs.

To overcome simplistic viewpoints of a climate doomsday that consider only disappearance, local island community perspectives are of the utmost importance if we are to adapt and mitigate climate change.  Such work and research are valuable to climate change adaptation if we aim to overcome the misrepresentation of small-island communities as vulnerable or passive in the face of climate change.
The role of Indigenous and islander worldviews in climate change mitigation and adaptation is still underutilized in the Caribbean, yet it is evident that there is a wealth of knowledge in how peoples have responded to climate and other environmental changes, which can be applied today.

Indigenous, local, and/or coastal communities, as users and observers of the natural environment over decades or centuries, are in a unique position to provide observational and monitoring data, which is valuable for land-use planning and future development.
This information is critical not only for planning and supporting decision-making, but also for assisting contemporary communities to understand what certain coastal changes mean and what actions need to be taken, particularly within the context of an increasing rate of climate change and associated impacts [19,59].  Collaborative projects in which research interests are combined with preventative incentives, and where stakeholders are involved on an equal basis and jointly formulate the research questions, have shown to have been a success on several islands discussed here.

Further multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder approaches to protecting coastal archeological sites and current coastal villages with heavy emphasis on the involvement of local communities is the proposed way to go forward [59,97,125].
The restoration of ecosystems such as coastal dunes and mangroves, coupled with suitable nature-based solutions, will become important components of protecting the coastal areas.
Although archaeologists in the Caribbean have utilized protective measures such as sandbags to attempt some localized protection, rescue archaeology has remained the most utilized medium for preventing this irreversible loss [39,97].  Despite these short-term strategies and rescue archaeology, we nevertheless continue to lose much of the archaeological record, and so strategies that address medium- and long-term mitigation are needed.
These can be addressed by ongoing monitoring programs and citizen-science initiatives involving local communities and their valuable knowledge systems, which have often been sidelined in the past.  These are areas that are underutilized and have not caught on sufficiently in the region, but hold significant promise for the future, and so further research in this area would be an important mitigation action.

One strategy for the future is the continued integration of culture in national disaster and climate change adaptation planning (in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, SDG 13).  This is an area that has also experienced minimal growth in the past years, but a new initiative being supported by UNESCO in the Caribbean is working with some countries to build resilience in the various components of the culture section, and helping countries to work towards developing implementable actions for archaeological and built heritage.  These actions should also guide the development of sector strategies in addressing present and future loss, in bringing awareness to this loss, and in working with partners such as those responsible for coastal planning.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, C.L.H., C.E.S. and A.R.; methodology, C.L.H., C.E.S. and A.R.; software, C.E.S.; formal analysis, C.L.H. and C.E.S.; investigation, C.L.H., C.E.S. and A.R.; data curation, C.L.H.; writing—original draft preparation, C.L.H., C.E.S., A.R., I.N.A. and A.S.; writing—review and editing, C.L.H. and M.L.P.H.; visualization, C.L.H., C.E.S., M.L.P.H., I.N.A. and A.S.; supervision, C.L.H.; project administration, C.L.H.; funding acquisition, C.L.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The research leading to the results presented in this paper has received funding from the European Research Council for the project Nexus 1492: New World Encounters in a Globalizing World (ERC grant no. 319209), and the NWO project SPINOZA/CaribTRAILS.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Original paleoclimatic data for the site of Anse à la Gourde are available in Beets et al. 2006, Climate and pre-Columbian settlement at Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe, Northeastern Caribbean, and original data on landscape change for the site of Anse Trabaud are available in Hofman et al. 2021, Mangrove Archives: Unravelling human-environment interactions from deeply buried deposits at the site of Anse Trabaud, Martinique, Lesser Antilles (1290–780 cal BP). Original shoreline data for Saint Kitts are available in Stancioff 2018, Landscape, Land-Change & Well-Being in the Lesser Antilles: Case Studies from the Coastal Villages of St. Kitts and the Kalinago Territory, Dominica. Original data on traditional knowledge practices are contained within the article.


A first version of part of this paper was presented at the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) meetings in Maastricht, the Netherlands, in 2017, in the symposium Archaeology in a Changing Climate (session 297). The Saint Kitts case study was part of the PhD research of Eloise Stancioff in the context of the ERC Synergy Nexus 1492 project. The research has also been supported by the NWO project ‘Island(er)s at the Helm: Co-creating sustainable and inclusive solutions for social adaptation to climate challenges in the (Dutch) Caribbean’. The authors especially acknowledge the institutions and communities on the islands for their participation, knowledge exchange, and collaboration. We thank Julijan Vermeer, Marvin Pierre, Raydon May, and Danroy Thomas for their figure and photo contributions. David Tonks, Arie Boomert, Kristen de Joseph, and Emma de Mooij are thanked for English-language editing and editorial help. Finally, the authors acknowledge the editors of this special volume and the reviewers for their useful comments.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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